Submitted by Ashamed_Pollution316 t3_zu1451 in Maine

I doubt the person I'm thinking will see this but here I go.

So yesterday I was driving when my Vehicle overheated pretty bad. I ended up pulling over in a parking lot near a car dealership. As I was pulling into said parking lot, a truck exited the dealership across the road and drove away. About 8-9 Minutes later the truck, A Ford F-250 from Underwood Electric, came back and checked on me. While our interaction was brief, I appreciate that he took the time out of his night to turn around and check one. So, to whoever the driver of that truck was, Thank you.

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traindoggah t1_j1jedbr wrote

All you E people are wrong. It's clearly E.


spatzelface t1_j1ie1gp wrote

Thats the poll that Elon musk should have used when he asked about resigning.