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dancingowlonthemoon t1_j0otsk0 wrote

The last job I had before covid hit was 13 an hour working in a kitchen, with no benefits. It was difficult to find enthusiasm after a while when I realized just how little they cared for my mental and emotional health yet expected me to show up to my shift with a "positive, can do" attitude. Let me tell you how happy I was to make 13 an hour as I remade a customer's order three times over because they were purposely being difficult or the time I had to argue with my chef just to get coverage for a sick day, or the day they (management) threw me and two other of my coworkers on a busy shift with absolutely no training on how to cook or plate the menu.

People don't want to work for peanuts, plain and simple. And they sure as shoot don't want to handle the aggressive behavior that seems to have taken prevalence as we move forward (post pandemic feels weird to say).

I know there's good folks paying their staff well and taking care of them because they're decent, compassionate humans. On the whole, we're way behind where we need to be. And the sad thing is, we could all be living in a better more utopian setting if our entire system wasn't based on capitalistic greed and exploitative working conditions for certain sectors.