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lipsticknic3 t1_j0kytq2 wrote

Fellow ma transplant-12 years. Obligatory --I love Moxie and do not have and summer homes.

Anyway--- so you moved here from MA I see to southern Maine. The rest of us up north refer to it as southern MA lol. I digress.

Things are different here. The public services you're used to in MA aren't going to be the same. For example, MA was planned in such a way that anywhere you're in the state, you are 20 min away from a hospital (traffic may screw with that number, but distance wise you would be 20 min from any hospital). Not true here. But, most of the first responders are trained up to emt I or p. MA phased out emt I because it's not needed. Me medics are encouraged to become at least emt I so they can do more as you're not always so close to a hospital.

I'm a few hours north of you. In 2016 there was a wind storm in October. Knocked my power out for 3.5 days. Most of town was out for 5. There was not rain or snow, but man we live in a state known for trees! You know?

Instead of coming on reddit, I used candles in my bedroom and I got avocados and canned chicken and made myself a sandwich haha. Went down to get coffee for 3 mornings to warm up with everyone else at the one place that had power.

People are right, if living here isn't for you maybe you should go back. Things are different here, this isn't MA.