Submitted by bubba1819 t3_zyp08i in Maine

Been saving up for a canoe for a while now and finally looking to pull the trigger on purchasing one. I’ve asked a lot of folks for their opinions and thought I would give this subreddit a try to.

A run down of what I’m looking for in a canoe: something that my spouse, our three dogs (anywhere from 65 to 14lbs), myself, and enough camping gear for three days, that we can take out for weekend paddle. Something that I can hunt and fish out of. Something great on lakes but also decent on rivers. Thinking mainly slow rivers that you would probably need to portage once or twice, just easy class I waters. Something that isn’t super heavy. I’m not as strong as I once was, so I don’t want to heft something onto the roof that weighs a ton. Have used a discovery quite a bit over the years and I like the stability of it but it’s heavy and doesn’t move through the water as well as a Penobscot, IMO.

Anyway, what models do you fine folks recommend?



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mp29k t1_j2733iw wrote

Old town Penobscot 174 (not the 169). Fantastic do it all boat, and bombproof


bubba1819 OP t1_j27zv6g wrote

Sounds great, I was leaning towards this one anyway so I’m happy to see it so highly recommended.


Yourbubblestink t1_j28cuxu wrote

I’ve had one for 20 years. Quality product.


PvtPug t1_j28ky69 wrote

I've got a discovery 119, way to small for your uses, but as these fine folks have said they are quality canoes at affordable prices. Enjoy!


DifferenceMore5431 t1_j274c1z wrote

2 people, 3 dogs, and a ton of camping gear... you are looking at big and heavy canoes.


bubba1819 OP t1_j2970pk wrote

I know it’ll be at least 80lbs. I was mainly meaning a canoe that wouldn’t be well over 100lbs.


Canoe_Pilot t1_j27niqw wrote

Hey dude, canoes are like airplanes, you ask one to do too much and you get something that’s not good at anything. The bigger Penobscot will meet most of your needs, but one of the dedicated sportsman canoes would be a better choice for hunting and fishing.


bubba1819 OP t1_j296dkt wrote

Yeah, I’m hoping in the future to buy a one person canoe that I’ll solely use for hunting and fishing and for this first canoe I’m buying to be more of a family canoe/camping canoe. However, until I can afford to buy a nice sportsmen canoe, this one will be used for everything.


hadriangates t1_j28n6vr wrote

Also gor portage get a collapsable wheeler


bubba1819 OP t1_j2962cp wrote

Yup, I’ve been looking into these. Especially for places that it takes a little trip down the trail to put in. Any brands you recommend?


brokengun t1_j28sczr wrote

Building on what others have said already here. I think you would definitely want a 17' boat due to the dogs. Be aware that a longer boat like that can be more difficult to get off the car and down to whatever water you're accessing.

If you have the time to be on the lookout (I keep an eye on CL/FB marketplace for canoes) the occasional old town model in royalex material will show up. I believe they discontinued using this material due to the supplier not seeing enough demand for it otherwise. It is a significant weight saver and still very durable and patch-able. The modern old town 17' models are polyethylene and ~20 lbs heavier than a royalex model. You would definitely feel the difference loading/unloading and in my experience that will make you enjoy using it and want to use it more. You'll have to be prepared to pay for a royalex model since the folks who have them know they are worth it.

Canoeing in Maine is a great joy. My wife and I bought a canoe (royalex model) in spring of 2020 and it's been a major source of recreation/relaxation for us. I tried to over complicate it by getting a square stern with a small motor on it but we found we actually prefer to paddle.


bubba1819 OP t1_j295tbk wrote

Thanks for this. I have heard that the royalex were great. I think I’ll try to find one these, if I can, and if not settle for the current 17’ Penobscot model.


Smokin77 t1_j28c7v8 wrote

We did an Old Town 16 composite widened it by 8" and had no problem. In younger days I single carried it it would carry pretty well. Your wife has the mule duty though. Or it's 2 trips. Composition is heavy and doesn't really like rocks much but that old town is still being used after 28 years. That's two dogs and 57 pounds in waterproof bags,two back packs. Thing is The factory used to have sales, my wife found a beautiful square back for half price. I'd check it out might save travel 💰


HolyHand_Grenade t1_j28i5qy wrote

How did you widen it 8"?


PvtPug t1_j28l02p wrote

Also curious about this process.


Smokin77 t1_j29mmph wrote

Unscrewed the center thwart pulled it out and recut the yoke 4" to be honest it stressed it quite a bit but a plywood strut laid in gained back the bottom shape. Then recut the "seats" where it did the most good. The back seat was deleted and the thwart was shaped to fit with a pool noodle. Front seat to the bow was built flat with some extra float and carpeted for doggy comfort. Just behind was also built up but with a grid and carpet so we could lash down gear. All told it was a heavy beast rode pretty low with the mutts in putts.


petrified_eel4615 t1_j2a6169 wrote

To piggyback on what everyone has said, an older Old Town 17' will be your best bet. I've got a 14' royalex that's about 40 years old & its the best.


cuntlicker90210 t1_j2ecol8 wrote

Canoes stink get a boat with an outboard best advice your gonna get