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Ezzmon t1_j1vqaya wrote

I'm no NIMBY. But, at the same time, this is not what we want for our state, from a man who's lived in corporation-ravaged areas of other states. Until controls are in place negating the catastrophic consequences of mining, Mainers shouldn't even consider extracting. Lithium for example; recyclable, but more economically viable to simply mow down mountains to extract new, paying fines when forced to do so. That needs to change, or remain illegal in Maine.

Unless you long for Maine to look (and smell) more like the I95 corridor through New Jersey.

And, to make it political (sorry I know people hate that but..) I feel like this will become a political football, with every GOP candidate for Governor looking to invite corporate mining companies to the party. Years of commercials about the benefits and jobs, demonizing everyone who want to 'kill Maine's economy', without telling people how similar mining projects have left uninhabitable wastelands across the world, some of which you can visit right here in the US.


dedoubt t1_j1wsl67 wrote

Mountaintop Removal Mining: Digging Into Community Health Concerns

May not be the same type of mining that could happen in Maine, but all mining can wreck the environment. In addition to wrecking the mountains, it leaves toxic pools poised to drown towns below them when they fail.

In general I wouldn't think of myself as a NIMBY either, but I moved to Maine in '91 in large part because it wasn't being turned into a mining wasteland, or being paved over with suburbs. Really hope it doesn't happen.


Ezzmon t1_j1ww0qg wrote

Agree strongly. ‘90 transplant


ascentoffailure t1_j1wwqk6 wrote

As someone who grew up around refineries/what is now called Cancer Alley, we do not want this here. I promise you government and corporate entities do not truly research or care about long-term health effects. I have lost SO MANY friends to cancer 20-30 years old. Stomach, lungs, brain, bones. You can say it’s coincidence, but the math doesn’t add.

I understand that oil/gas refineries are different from mining operations, but the point is that when there’s a buck to be made, no one cares about the long-term health of workers and locals.


Munrowo t1_j1x9evb wrote

as a new jerseyan living in maine, you dont want to smell like secaucus i promise


BikesMapsBeards t1_j1wxyko wrote

They’ve been remediating the Brooksville mine for decades. There are others, but that one stuck with me considering how beautiful that area is.


Old-Abalone-974 t1_j1z4dz8 wrote

So it becomes political? Not economically smart. Got it


Ezzmon t1_j1zcwy7 wrote

Economically smart and smart are two very different things politically.