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DrDirtPhD t1_izyqu4q wrote

When were you in high school? I graduated over 20 years ago and it wasn't required then...


Shell58 OP t1_izytd89 wrote

I graduated in 2010. They didn't have to talk too much about it but they did have to include/mention creationism and intelligent design without saying they are complete bullshit in biology class


c4boom13 t1_izz2as3 wrote

Maybe this was a local requirement? I was in highschool very close to 2010 and creationism never came up in a science course.


ServiceMX t1_izzf9uz wrote

They mentioned it to us in Biology, too, but I think it's really more at the discretion of the teacher. In this case, there was a Baptist girl who freaked out on a field trip when the TVs on the bus started playing "The Golden Compass." She demanded to be let off because they "KILL GOD" in the movie.

Some teachers would probably rather offer a throwaway to these freaks rather than have their parents fuck with them, especially in the current climate of nutjobs trying to take over local schoolboards. Sure, we'd probably both prefer that they stand their ground, but they really don't get paid enough to take the inevitable harassment.


WalkerBRiley t1_j07l6bv wrote

How does one kill God specifically? According to Abrahamic religions He is omniscient and omnipotent and immortal. Not even going to start the argument about how being omniscient and omnipotent makes him a complete and total asshole to his creations, but the immortal part is pretty important in terms of Killing God. Your god can't be that good if some random person is able to kill him.


ServiceMX t1_j07mbbv wrote

In the book/movie they actually do kill God. Blasphemy is frowned upon in Christianity from what I've seen, so that was probably her major issue with it if I had to guess.


A simplistic explanation is that, in the story, God is just the oldest angel and came into being before all other sentient life. He then convinces all the other angels that he created them (and everything). In actuality, he just happened to come into being first, and all angels are formed of a particle colloquially referred to as "dust," which is both the byproduct and catalyst of sentient life.

It's actually a really good book series, the main characters are children but the story is honestly more written for an adult audience.


IamSauerKraut t1_j005zjx wrote

I thought there was a federal case before then which made the mandatory teaching of creationism unconstitutional.