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MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_izzdc8k wrote

They don't teach anything about how life began in schools because it's a scientific mystery at the moment. They teach evolution because is explains how species change over time. Here is a good read:

"Science is an amazing, wonderful undertaking: it teaches us about life, the world and the universe. But it has not revealed to us why the universe came into existence nor what preceded its birth in the Big Bang. Biological evolution has not brought us the slightest understanding of how the first living organisms emerged from inanimate matter on this planet and how the advanced eukaryotic cells—the highly structured building blocks of advanced life forms—ever emerged from simpler organisms. Neither does it explain one of the greatest mysteries of science: how did consciousness arise in living things?"


WalkerBRiley t1_j07lfk3 wrote

We have a fairly good idea how the first organisms emerged, and it doesn't have anything to do with a magic invisible floaty man.


MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_j07o7zu wrote

"A fairly good idea" lmao. I think if we had solved the question of the origin of life I would have heard about it in the news. Link me the science.