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LonelyHeart2022 t1_j0dascm wrote

That's a hard one my friend. Any time you mention your married your unfortunately screwed and if you do find someone reliable you'll probably have astronomical rates.


Schodog t1_j0fyp2f wrote

I once was getting insurance on my car, and the lady was asking if other people lived in the house. I was renting a room, so I explained that. The fucker was trying to get me to add the other people in the house. It took some effort to convince this clown that they won't drive my car because I don't even know them. They had looked up the address to see who was living there.

"If you rent an apartment, you gonna add everyone in the entire fuck-off building?"

That's why I'm always single and live alone.


alpha417 t1_j0e7jsx wrote

you can absolutely exclude a driver in your household from your insurance. it's not common, but i know that Progressive has done it and there are plenty of other resources on the internets that confirm it can be done.

not easy, but doable.


Schodog t1_j0fywzb wrote

They like to look up the address and see who lives there, then try to get you to add them.

I just say their info is incorrect, and I live alone.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j0dbmw4 wrote

Who did you try to go through? Hard to offer suggestions if we don't know what you've already tried. It should be easy enough to just not list them as a driver on your policy. Maybe you need to remove his name from the registration if he's on it.


my-religion-is-love OP t1_j0dclqx wrote

But we're married, couldn't I get in trouble for not disclosing that? As I said they won't let me not list him as a driver because of our relationship and living arrangements, he doesn't have a license anymore and they say that doesn't matter.

I tried Geico, Progressive, USAA, State Farm. Getting scared to try more if I'm just gonna get kicked out, don't really need 50 agencies calling me everyday for 6 months lol


dropinthebucket207 t1_j0dd3lr wrote

Have you tried an insurance broker? You might find one at your local bank. You could explain the situation to the broker and they might have better advice than randos on reddit


LaChanz t1_j0dkzi3 wrote

I agree. I was self employed and needed several types of insurance so I went to Kyes in Farmington. Great customer service and they do always try to find me the best prices.


maggiecme t1_j0ehedv wrote

You will need to go to a local independent insurance agency. They are authorized by a lot of insurance companies so they will give you several quotes. If you are truly too high risk for standard insurance companies, there is a group of companies that are in a high-risk pool and you'll be placed with one of them. you didn't mention where you are in Maine but look for an independent agent that isn't tied to a single insurance company. All of the companies you mentioned are direct writers or captive agents.


lama_drama99 t1_j0e7c5q wrote

I don't think you'd have to insure him if he doesn't have a license. You have to put him on legally of he drives but where he doesn't I don't see why you even have to mention him.


my-religion-is-love OP t1_j0espri wrote

Because his license was suspended, I worry they'll claim fraud if I don't mention that. He doesn't drive yes but he is able to so they still want his info. They do the same to your parents when you turn 16 even if you don't have a license yet.


lama_drama99 t1_j0etn7m wrote

They didn't to mine, my parents didn't have to do anything with me even when I had a permit.


sledbelly t1_j0irwhg wrote

I just had to add my 15 year old to my insurance as a permitted driver.

We were told by his drivers ed that it was state law that we had to notify our insurance once he received his permit.


lama_drama99 t1_j0it3vv wrote

Hm maybe it's a new thing? I was never insured independently or through my parents until I got my license. I also did have to renew my permit because I didn't take my test within the 2 years or receiving it. I think it's definitely smart either way to have your teen insured though


lama_drama99 t1_j0iuwa7 wrote

It also is possible my parents just didn't know they had to add me. Considering a refused to drive most of the time anyway as a teen lol They did add my sister once she got her license.


kauaime t1_j0ddiao wrote

Try Liberty Mutual ( it is all done via online ) and just put the policy in your name and the only driver. Worth a try.


sledbelly t1_j0dumiy wrote

She would still have to disclose that she’s married though and then they will have her put him on the policy.


Seaweed-Basic t1_j0g40h4 wrote

You might need an SR-22


linuxknight t1_j0h8q89 wrote

You only need an SR-22 if you've been in an accident or convicted of a traffic violation while not carrying active insurance.

Source, I had to maintain an SR-22 for 3 years after getting a speeding ticket after my insurance had lapsed literally 2 days. I was waiting until my payday to renew it.


DifferenceMore5431 t1_j0gnpok wrote

You might want to work with an insurance broker, they are a middleman who shops around for insurance. They will generally know the various companies and policies and will be able to advise you.


linuxknight t1_j0h8bt7 wrote

You could totally go through progressive - just tell them youre the only driver of the vehicle. If they somehow find out about your wife let them know she carries her own insurance and has her own vehicle.


Tarankhoes t1_j0hrfvh wrote

Op is a woman married to her husband


linuxknight t1_j0i048s wrote

Ok, I didnt see that in the original post but the same logic applies. My wife has a bad driving record and I was able to get low priced insurance through progressive by excluding her from any coverage.


dahliarose926 t1_j0euby7 wrote

Interesting that Geico didn't accept you. I have Geico, similar situation, husband's license has been suspended for years, doesn't drive. Our credit is horrible. My car with full coverage is $100 a month.