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Antnee83 t1_j21bsb6 wrote

All jokes aside, I'm going the speed limit if I feel like the road sucks.

I've also never had a line of traffic up my ass in those conditions either- I'd pull over if I did.

But OP is still being cringe so I'm here for that.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j21dbrn wrote

Yeah, I mean, I guess it’s a little cringey to tell other people how to drive, but the people here saying you have to go fast are doing the same thing.

I’ve lived here almost 50 years and I’ve totaled two cars due to driving too fast on sketchy winter roads and my neck is permanently jacked. I’m not interested in the insurance hike or the chance that I might hurt myself or someone else in another crash.

I personally drive as fast as I feel safe driving. Sometimes that’s the speed limit, sometimes it’s less, sometimes it’s more. If there’s a big line of cars behind me and no place for them to pass I will pull over, but I’m not going to put my own safety at risk because people have a hot foot either.


Antnee83 t1_j21dxgm wrote

> the people here saying you have to go fast are doing the same thing.

Oh agreed. A certain someone down below is fucken TURNT lol