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DidDunMegasploded t1_j21jxq5 wrote

There are so many accidents and pileups on the highway caused by idiots who want to get absolutely fucking nowhere fast (and certainly nowhere important). Usually by speeding and doing zoom-zooms in the snow. Snow tires and AWD tires be damned, there are signs that say "slow down in inclement weather" for a reason.

That being said...I see the idiots have come out to play for this r/Maine Top Thread of the Day. Consider that an accomplishment, OP, not a detriment.


ascentoffailure t1_j22u77p wrote

I have people riding my fucking ass while I’m driving 5 mph over the speed limit on rural rods. They will get up in my fucking grill as if I’ve personally offended them.

I used to work with paramedics. If these nutjobs don’t get squished this year, they will eventually. Of the hundreds of crashes I’ve responded to, they always thought they were right. Didn’t stop them from being paralyzed or losing their best friends.

Life is fucking short. You can think snow tires or front wheel drive will save you, and even bet on it. It will still be my friends shoveling your corpse off the road. But hey, if you think your ego is big enough to save you ¯_(ツ)_/¯ be my guest.