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acister t1_j222si8 wrote

I live under the poverty line. I had my winter tires on all summer like I said. If your vehicle isn't safe that does suck, and I have not been able to afford basics this year as well. Money sucks but you don't get a pass killing people. I'm not even saying its a moral issue either, I get it if you can't afford them and drive but yeah I'm saying generally I care and if possible make it a priority. Get chains if you can't afford them for adverse weather. This was common place before snow tires were popular. Not sure why you're arguing about snow tires making a northern climate safer.


Shambud t1_j249qiq wrote

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a normal car with chains in Maine, I don’t know that they’re even legal.


acister t1_j25tazb wrote

They're legal in the same time range studded tires are legal. They're not used much anymore (they are in mountain regions of the US and required at times to pass ranges) because of snow tires getting better the past 30 years.


LilYoungJedi t1_j224yz3 wrote

cool, so we agree. if possible, it should be a priority. While you may verbally well be under the 'poverty line', you may not realize just how far under others are. The point is, hurting other people is not human nature, especially when it's those you care about and yourself. Any reasonable person would get the best snow tires they can afford while the rest, by nature, cannot be reasoned with. Best to worry about what you can do for others, not what they can do for you. People do the best they can. At least until they have enough money to ignore the problems they cause for everyone else, apparently. You're argument isn't wrong but you are aiming it in the wrong direction.
