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coolcalmaesop t1_j51nbw9 wrote

Hi- I just want to tell you that PCHC did retaliate against me years ago and to protect yourself.

I had left a negative google review (obviously with my name attached cause I was young and dumb) about a particular nurse practitioner without mentioning her name, and stopped seeing her altogether.

Over a year after I had stopping going to that clinic she accessed my records and made alterations that included removing my reason for seeing her (back pain that turned out to be the genetic autoimmune disease I kept telling her my father and his father have) and diagnosed me as a currently suicidal narcissist.

It sounds so fucking insane just typing this.


lipsticknic3 t1_j51o7b7 wrote

My jaw just freaking dropped. Are you kidding me?!?!? And I would not put it past them. Not for one moment. Holy shit. And then it's like anywhere you go, .... that's so incredibly damaging and fucked I. How did you find out about this? Holy crap. I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. And bc of a freaking Google review? That's terrifying.


coolcalmaesop t1_j51pndc wrote

I would have never known about it had I not accessed my records online to print and bring to a new specialist. I just looked in my email and still have the proof. I documented it all but I didn’t know what to do and it didn’t go anywhere.

Around the time I found out that she altered my records, I was a nanny and telling the housekeeper that cleaned for the people I nannied for about the incident because she was telling me about a nurse at PCHC who was sending her husband inappropriate Facebook messages after their visits. I almost fell out of my pants when I found out we were discussing the SAME FUCKING WOMAN.

You can access the states licensing website, and I found out that she has been disciplined for unprofessional conduct but is now practicing again in that area still. I want to share her name but I’m afraid mods will remove it.