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costabius t1_j5ol5g1 wrote

Mmmm yeah but remember this, the PUC only allows CMP to pass on a certain amount of routine maintenance costs to the customer as rate increases. Emergency storm repairs on the other hand, 100%.

They get to preserve their profits by flying in line crews from all over the country to fix issues that could have been prevented much cheaper with maintenance.


-Operator t1_j5oowiq wrote

This... I plow a lot in Augusta. Had easily 2 dozen bucket trucks from New Brunswick staged in my lot all day waiting for a call that never came


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j5ov8md wrote

Yes, but also the line clearing would be passed on, as would the undergrounding of lines. There is no part of the capital infrastructure owned by the Avangrifters that we, the ratepayers, haven't given them through "cost of delivery". It's the biggest lie told by CMP and the PUC. Allowing for-profit infrastructure is harming the economy, and enriching the already wealthy.


indyaj t1_j5p3ff5 wrote

This explains so much. Like, everything.