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Claudius-Germanicus t1_j5t9kn0 wrote

The maps pretty clearly lay out who owns it. I’m starting to suspect I’m speaking to a butthurt absentee landlord on the run from the IRS


TarantinoFan23 t1_j5to7dc wrote

I think you have far to much faith in "the maps" i know peolle who make maps. The records in this state are incomplete, inaccurate, missing or never existed. It is definitely not laid out clearly.


Claudius-Germanicus t1_j5txi60 wrote

Yeah that’ll stand up in court. Come back from Florida and shovel your driveway like a man!


TarantinoFan23 t1_j5tzt1d wrote

Why would I be in court? I don't even know the case. I spent last 2 days shoveling.

I am sorry, but can you be a little more clear with your insults?