Submitted by Ordinary-Broad t3_10nog2c in Maine

I’d like to learn more about growing and harvesting vegetables/fruits/flowers/herbs, but the information online is overwhelming. I’ve worked on a farm before, but I’ve never started from scratch so I don’t really know where to begin. Does anyone know of a farm or even an individual who offers farming education in exchange for labor?



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ServiceMX t1_j69y9a7 wrote

Two words: MOFGA apprenticeship.


t59599 t1_j69z281 wrote

Last week there was an article in the Concord Monitor paper about Pletchers Farm aka the Vegetable Ranch that is having a really hard time finding help. If you don’t mind NH you might look them up. Good luck. We need more farmers!


imgoinglobal t1_j6a28hb wrote

Do you want to stay in Maine? Cause the Wendell Berry Farming Program in Kentucky is exactly that, it’s a free 2 year degree in agriculture, you just have to work the land the whole time, room and board is included I’m pretty sure. So you get experience and an associates as well as 2 years of not paying rent or for food, all you got to do is work and learn.


fLux3303 t1_j6agl85 wrote

I believe Frith Farm has an apprenticeship program

Edit: in Scarborough I believe


siebzy t1_j6aqdnm wrote

Look into it there's a community garden in your town or a nearby one. You can usually rent a plot pretty cheap and learn from other gardeners or just network with other people who have the same interests by showing up to volunteer days or similar.


robinsons_922 t1_j6awj95 wrote

You should check out Veggies to Table. They're an incredible growing to give farm, and welcome folks to come and learn on the farm.


robinsons_922 t1_j6awjn7 wrote

You should check out Veggies to Table. They're an incredible growing to give farm, and welcome folks to come and learn on the farm.


vsanna t1_j6bjg67 wrote

Depending on where you are, the Merrymeeting Food Council has a farm skills training program, but it requires 40 hours a week. Plenty of farms will happily take volunteers, though, often in exchange for produce. Get to know the farms closest to you and start there.