Submitted by Carmageddon1984 t3_10j4xnk in Maine

Departing from Halifax NS in 4 hours or so. I have winter tires but didn't like their traction (got them with the car). My other option is to take the smaller car but it has superb Nokian studded tires.. downside its a bit too small for a family on 10 hour trip.

So how is the road? Any reason to sacrifice comfort and take the studded car?

My other concern is that gas stations might lose communication and then I wouldn't be able to buy fuel with credit card.. I don't have USD cash unless I stop by some bank on the way while still in New Brunswick hopefully. How high is this risk?

Do you suggest taking route 1 instead? Is it more scenic? Or 95?



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metalandmeeples t1_j5j763p wrote

Route 9 from Calais is the scariest road I've ever driven on in snow. The large trucks do not slow down which can make for a white knuckle situation.


mainemoose42 t1_j5j93ts wrote

Why not go up through Fredericton and cross in houlton/ Woodstock. Take the trans Canada (rt 2 if I recall) and dump off in Woodstock. Used to travel that way a bit and it only adds like 30 minutes to the ride and you have all awesome highway the whole way. Rt9 is horrible even if the roads are clear.


FriarRoads t1_j5je89v wrote

In bad weather we take route 1 instead of route 9. no trucks, more plows, more gas, and closer to the coast so more rain instead of snow.


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_j5jy6yi wrote

I have driven that road probably 100 times. There is no way I would be out there today. Cell service can be spotty. And the last I knew, there are no gas stations until Brewer which is about 90 miles away from Calais.


TransientMoth t1_j5ktygc wrote

I’ve never seen as many roadside memorials along such a relatively short stretch as rt 9 from Calais to Bangor. That piece of road needs its own spooky country song.


JimBones31 t1_j5lgquj wrote

Once you hit 95 in NH your studs will go quick. Boston and NH never have road snow last very long.