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Commercial-Amount344 t1_j694dl5 wrote

Gonna need this. The kids broke 4 eggs yesterday. I'm not going to financially recover. Mine says payment verified and should be received in the next 3 weeks.


badhmorrigan t1_j6ae0sf wrote

Same as mine.


RuFusDark t1_j6cmiln wrote

Your kids also broke eggs?


badhmorrigan t1_j6cou16 wrote

My kid decided that the eggs in our house were old and trashed them.

But in this case I meant the payment status.


RealMainer t1_j6curh2 wrote

My parents would beat me if I threw away a half a slice of toast. Kids these days and their entitled free access to the fridge!


badhmorrigan t1_j6dbggb wrote

I understand the reasons why my son did what he did, and it is wrapped up in his neurodivergence.


BadLuckShoesie t1_j68pi8q wrote

Mine says “If you filed your return by October 31, 2022, your eligibility for the Energy Relief Payment is in the process of being verified. The status of your payment will be updated when your eligibility has been verified.”


DidDunMegasploded t1_j690d7o wrote

Like CMP's "Assessing", but with money at stake this time instead of electricity! Oh boy gee golly howdy, man I can't wait for weeks and weeks and weeks of the same message...


Ruffed-Grouse t1_j68qbs7 wrote

Weed stores are going to have a great week


BadLuckShoesie t1_j690mxb wrote

Okay Boomer.


wheresmycaketester t1_j691zbm wrote

I mean not completely wrong, not everyone receiving the money actually needs it. Heck lot of people probably don’t even need to pay for heat.


BadLuckShoesie t1_j692l5z wrote

That’s not to say the majority of people receiving the help won’t need it. I myself spent 515 on my last fill-up for heating oil and that definitely hurt. Some are going to save it for an emergency which also isn’t a bad thing to have since inflation’s still an issue. And yes, SOME may spend it on things they don’t need, which tells me those people must be in a good spot in life. The assumption that Mainers are just going to waste it on frivolity like @ruffled-Grouse is insulting to Mainers though. Assumptions like that about a state that thrives on community is bullshit.


BarbieTheRealNavy t1_j69g5up wrote

I paid $400 for 150 gallons of propane. I am eating noodles. A lot .


BadLuckShoesie t1_j69neig wrote

But but. The Poster is implying you’re spending all your money on weed and is a lazy Mainer! It’s “your fault” that you can’t afford the high prices of propane and heating oil.


yupuhoh t1_j69c711 wrote

Have you not seen the record weed sales in Maine? Lol.


BadLuckShoesie t1_j69cd68 wrote

And that’s a problem why?


yupuhoh t1_j6a72ah wrote

Who said it was? Oh that's right. You did. By going off on the guy who said the weed sales would be boosted. As if he was wrong. I love weed because it makes my ol lady put up with my shit lol


InfamousCelery4438 t1_j6abrmf wrote

This made me laugh, cuz weed was illegal during my first 2 marriages, and I don't know if it would have saved them, but I would have given a few less fucks.


tinymothtoaflame t1_j68lm0d wrote

I don’t qualify since I moved here in Aug 2021, but I’m glad for my neighbors. Last winter, the heating bills sucked.


imnotyourbrahh t1_j69jdyn wrote

Your eligibility for the Energy Relief Payment has been verified and your payment is being processed. You should receive your payment within 3 weeks. If you do not receive your payment within 3 weeks, please call our Relief Payment assistance line at (207) 624-9924 or send an e-mail to


floppleshmirken t1_j6akwv7 wrote

We don’t use oil but damn my electric bill for this month is $502. Time to look into solar panels.


NotYou007 OP t1_j6ax1nu wrote

The problem with solar now is people are running into the issue of not being able to connect to the grid.


BillDStrong t1_j6bmtci wrote

You can still get systems that zero your usage with solar and have batteries to use with the grid. You just can't back feed it.


RealMainer t1_j6cuwy8 wrote

You can still use solar without being connected to the grid. In my perfect world I would disconnect from the grid anyway. Too bad I live in an apartment.