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azrael0503 t1_j4emvz8 wrote

Give it time. Land close to the ocean is cheap up here compared to the rest of the country. As warming trends continue more people will consider migrating north. Climate migration is already beginning and will accelerate in the years to come. Hell my wife and I moved here because the cost of living is considerably cheaper than other coastal areas.


AtrytoneSedai t1_j4g5h8t wrote

My point is that we don’t have enough people to support our communities, especially in the central and northern parts of the state—it’s a common problem in the news. We need migrants, despite our issues with xenophobia (this “from away” mentality is really obnoxious). I’m grateful we’re a state people are moving to, instead of from. And anyone who’s fleeing destructive climate impacts gets my support and my sympathy.