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HIncand3nza t1_j5bb4z6 wrote

I think you’re being fooled a bit by the drone shot into thinking this is a kingdom lot camp on a remote trout pond or something. Eskatassis is a decent little pond, but I do not believe it has electricity on the Burlington side, and it is not particularly desirable real estate wise. Most of the camps are on the other end in Lowell where there is power. Cold Stream Pond is the big draw for the area. A house on Cold Stream in Webb Cove could run you 500k.

A few camps in Burlington sold during the Covid real estate boom on a nearby Pond (Saponic) for less than 100k.


lobstahpotts t1_j5brvji wrote

Could be! Definitely not an area I’m all that familiar with. I’m definitely gravitating towards the amount of space I see without other camps but it could just be angle/tree cover.


LiveOakPhotography OP t1_j5hs7rm wrote

We are the only camp on our side of the cove. The reason is the corner lot beside us is mostly marsh land. However the point by the inlet of the pond is for sale and it’s a gorgeous lot!

You’re correct, there is no power on the Burlington side. It’s all generators and solar power on our side!