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edsheeranismyking OP t1_j39ph3h wrote

Business School? Thank you for the response


Guygan t1_j39prvz wrote

Undergrad business degrees are a dime a dozen. No one at Goldman Sachs is gonna hire you for M&A if that's what you're looking for.

Your first job will be doing Excel for some small company. Then you just work your way up from there. If you're a pleasant person, you work well with others, and you are good at making friends, you'll do fine.


phineas81 t1_j39ue6y wrote

Unfortunately, Masters are the new bachelors, especially with a major like Business.

The real question is probably how competitive you’ll be for admission to a good MBA program.


siebzy t1_j3btfps wrote

FWIW all business degrees read to me as "I'm a boring and intellectually dull person who doesn't want to work very hard but also get rich", but you do you.


Azr431 t1_j3bzqz3 wrote

Same with an MBA. They’re typically a dime a dozen milquetoast candidates


[deleted] t1_j3c2f6z wrote

Not everyone wants to find new and exciting ways to drink the cream off the top of the pitcher that working men filled. But too many do.
