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Sventhetidar t1_j3fsjat wrote

Reply to comment by MoonSnake8 in So, what do we do? by seeyoubythesea

If you don't believe it's possible then you've already decided that climate change will continue until a substantial amount of the population is dead. Slowing climate change will take large scale changes, not the actions of a relatively small amount of individuals.


MoonSnake8 t1_j3h9qea wrote

Nope. That’s not true.


Sventhetidar t1_j3i0e7b wrote

I mean, you can keep burying your head in the sand if you like. Just saying "NOPE. NOPE. NOOOOOPE" doesn't make it not true.


MoonSnake8 t1_j3i2mh7 wrote

What you just said isn’t true.

That doesn’t mean climate change isn’t happening though. Your ramblings are unrelated.