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P-Townie t1_j3hzwfv wrote

You can do better than that. Capitalist countries such as the United States were founded on genocide and slavery. "Countries run by political parties calling themselves Communist committed mass murder therefore Communism as a system doesn't work" is a specious argument. Capitalism works neither in theory nor practice.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j3i4fn7 wrote

That's why the USSR is still thriving and China is still full on communist. The system just works so well. Meanwhile all the capitalist countries have collapsed and no longer exist.

I get it, I had a communist phase as a younger man too. But it's something you need to grow out of. It's a failed system.


P-Townie t1_j3i5xm7 wrote

Your argument is that Capitalism is better because Capitalism is winning. If a colonial ship decimates an undeveloped Island of indigenous people, does that mean colonialism is better? No, it just means one group had more power than the other.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j3i6u9a wrote

The USSR after WWII was a super power. This isn't a case of a more advanced powerful society wiping out a small indigenous one. This is a case of a political, and economic system being a complete failure.

Communism doesn't work, all it does is bring suffering to the millions who have been unfortunate enough to be its victims.

Good luck, not gonna waste anymore good time after bad. I imagine you'll grow out of your edgy communist phase one day, most of us do.


P-Townie t1_j3iez0m wrote

> I imagine you'll grow out of your edgy communist phase one day, most of us do.
