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ydai t1_j3gphr1 wrote

Must not be this year...


ConstantlySlippery t1_j3gst9f wrote

Those…. those arms are trees.

I’ve been to bethel multiple times, not much else to do there.

Edit - skiis for eyelashes?


bump909 t1_j3gx40x wrote

Looks more like a giant buttplug.


whycats t1_j3h3w5l wrote

Didn’t it take until the summer for her to fully melt?


doyouevenleviosa717 t1_j3h5041 wrote

Bethel originally had another one, a snowman named Angus. Angus was originally the tallest snow person but then someone else made a taller snowman and thus Olympia was created. I visited her multiple times, she was a sight to behold.


dude_from_ATL t1_j3hjzb8 wrote

The arms are.... entire trees! The resident might hold the record but I know he/she didn't do this alone.


dicecat4 t1_j3i5p65 wrote

Today i learned the Statue of Liberty is apparently not as tall as i thought it was.


MeEvilBob t1_j3i6827 wrote

It could be done. The same equipment used to make snow at ski resorts can be used anywhere as long as it's cold enough and there's plenty of water and electricity available. The water can just be pumped straight from a river.

This thing doesn't look like it was cheap or easy to put together no matter how simple the concept is.

EDIT: It's at the Sunday River Ski Resort, which makes a lot of sense.


ImpressionNo9470 t1_j3iax7g wrote

I think I read that it WAS the world record til 2020 when it was surpassed by one a couple meters taller in Austria. US record, maybe, but no longer WORLD record.


Oomlol t1_j3irr4b wrote

This isn’t at the resort. This is in the open field between the sheriff’s office, the theater, and the hardware store. Where the jeep rallies are in the summer.


UltimateNarwhal t1_j3jmpd4 wrote

It did not to my knowledge. This was quite a few years ago, I saw it being made every weekend headed up for snowmobiling. They were bringing dumptrucks of snow in and piling it up.

There was quite a few metal rings they had stacked, would fill one, let it harden, then, put up the next, so on and so forth until the got the height, then the got a crane for the arms, face, and buttons, and then let the public go up to it. I think it took 2-3 months if I recall.


Mr_Gam t1_j3losq8 wrote

A resident meaning a single fucking person