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mcot2222 t1_j3rflum wrote

We are so far behind on offshore wind it is pathetic. The potential in the gulf of Maine is insane. The latest turbines are put way offshore and would not be visible or interfere with fishing despite those claims. The latest GE turbines are 12 MW+ and can power around 15,000 households per year with a single turbine. You don’t need many of these to power our entire state or all of new england.


06_tundra_4x4 t1_j3u2tnh wrote

“I don’t like the facts”. “They make me angry”. Is what this individual meant to say.


PBJIsGood1 t1_j3ubz7b wrote

I thought I read somewhere that turbines off shore helps slow down wind gusts for the mainland. Which would help offset storm damage. Kind of a win win.


mcot2222 t1_j3wc75n wrote

Not really at the scale we are talking for Maine. The impact is negligible.