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Derstilweedndat t1_j6n4bye wrote

Without reading the article I'm going to bet the simple answer is "because they can"


Antnee83 t1_j6ns3b5 wrote

It's this. There is literally no reason, none whatsoever, for a near universal rent increase like what we've seen outside of simple profit-taking.

If most landlords were holding variable-interest loans? Yeah ok, then I could see it. But the vast, vast majority of loans are fixed these days. There's no excuse.


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6nuo83 wrote

state wide rent control, now


Antnee83 t1_j6nve37 wrote

Oh, but some study conducted by landholding interests that can't actually be replicated in any other study says rent control bad and make problem worse acktually


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6o06io wrote

lulz yes, lets sit on our hands and pay more because the political and real estate class thinks rising rents somehow HELPS US.


TimothyOilypants t1_j6of0ih wrote

Look, the more rent they collect, the more they can tip their barista. Trickle down baby!



WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6oh97m wrote

I love the people with 100k desk jobs and a few rentals. Heart and soul of our community's


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6n4q4g wrote

correct and we need to remember this before agreeing to housing reforms that are 90 percent upzonings. Public housing for everyday folks NOW!


TheMobyDicks t1_j6o2fdx wrote

3D printed homes are the answer. To their credit, Maine is dabbling with this through Dr. Dagher at UMO. The state should subsidize developers to make large communities of small-ish homes and only sell them to income-qualified folks. To be clear: The state says, "Okay Mr. Developer. You buy the land and we'll kick in X,Y,Z and you can only sell homes (by covenant in perpetuity on each property - in the deed so one can buy and flip at market rate) to buyers that can prove income of 80% area median income (AMI) or less." These are not Section-8 folks. The state alrady has programs for that. These are your firefighters, nurses, cooks. Mostly young, first-time home buyers.


TimothyOilypants t1_j6ofkk1 wrote

...and a statewide 10% property tax on non-owner occupied properties and a >50% tax rate on rental income to cover that "X,Y,Z".



_Face t1_j6ol525 wrote

Additional tax on out of state property owners. Also corporations can’t own residential properties.


TimothyOilypants t1_j6ozpno wrote

If that's "as well" and not "instead of" I fully support it.

Let's abolish "corporate personhood" altogether while we're at at.


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6ohg2m wrote

I mean im not against them but mostly worried about the type's just getting by who don't have a pot to piss in so to speak.