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Fabulous-Opposite838 t1_j6nf5dh wrote

Thank you for this post. I am concerned about our basement( really a half-basement, with exposed side north facing) which is not heated. We do have the furnace and boiler down there and that does kick out some heat. Our radon mitigation system (water and air) is nowhere near the heat source, so we are brainstorming how to keep it from freezing. So, far I’ve gleaned keeping the furnace at 72 for those two days. Any other ideas?


John_Yossarian t1_j6od5s5 wrote

Small electric space heater and a cheap wireless thermometer so you can keep an eye on it from upstairs?


theora55 t1_j6ojucv wrote

> cheap wireless thermometer

Tell me more.


BloobityBloobity t1_j6olyxs wrote

I got something similar to this at Lowe's and it works great. Batteries have lasted over six months.


John_Yossarian t1_j6onhv7 wrote

I was thinking of the ones with the wireless sensor you place outside for indoor/outdoor readings, and I guess they cost more like $20-25, so not exactly cheap, but useful nonetheless.


BloobityBloobity t1_j6ovri3 wrote

That's what this one is, and the one I got. If it says wireless thermometer, then it has a sensor outside.

And $11 for that technology is pretty cheap if you ask me.