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Anstigmat t1_j6d9jon wrote

If at all possible have you or your spouse get a job with healthcare. If not possible you have to use thr Maine exchange which has comparison tools, it will also tell you if you are in fact eligible for a subsidy. Kids ease that more than two childless adults. They really fuck a married couple when you don’t have kids. The plans will either be in unaffordable or complete shit. American health care is a wealth transfer scam from working people to the wealthy so, pucker up! We have community health options which we can afford. It covers very little and has a 14k-ish deductible.


alpha417 t1_j6dempf wrote

>at all possible have you or your spouse get a job with healthcare.

not all jobs in Healthcare come with great health benefits. spouse and i both work in Healthcare and the best option for family is a 30k out of pocket max, terrible prescription cvg, referrals for everything and 250/500 for appts.

just being in the field isn't a Golden Ticket. do your research


Anstigmat t1_j6dfwsx wrote

No I mean, a job that provides a health plan, not specifically a job in health care.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j6egvx0 wrote

Also, not all jobs offer a good plan either. One job I had, the offered plan would take out $400/m with a $50 copay. I was making $10/hr barely getting 40 hrs, that was my grocery and gas money. I just went without.


Anstigmat t1_j6en7iw wrote

Yeah, there are sometimes just all bad options. I hate it.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j6epcmy wrote

Yup, you'd think multi-million dollar earning businesses with more than 200 employees would get a better deal at least.

What do I know, I'm just here to clean the toilets 🤷