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enoutnos t1_j5vfkh8 wrote

Absolutely. It’s known issue. There was an article in the KJ/Morning Sentinel about it recently.


plasmatoaste t1_j5vtfft wrote

Guess it's time for me to throw another Dunkin gift card in the mailbox for my mail carrier. Happily, my mail carrier hasn't missed a day.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j5vy031 wrote

It's a problem in other cities as well, not just Augusta. A lot of Maine post offices are short-staffed and have generally been suffering over the past several months.

The best thing you can do is use USPS's Informed Delivery service. It'll tell you what mail is coming on each day. The only problem is that sometimes we'll see what mail is coming and it'll come a day or two later, but a lot of it is junk and shit. Still, it's a good tool to keep tabs on your mail. Easy to sign up, too.


AmEPersichilli t1_j5w1qaf wrote

It’s real bad down in Portland / South Portland too.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j5w4gvu wrote

I’m about 5 miles from Augusta but in a different town, and yes. Several times I’ve seen things coming on Informed Delivery and then they never arrived.


embolia6 t1_j5y603z wrote

You can call/go into your post office and talk to the clerk/supervisor there to get a clearer picture on why it hasn't shown up. Chances are they're in close contact with your carrier and can ask what the deal is.


GrimDacra t1_j697jwp wrote

There are problems here in Cumberland/Yarmouth. Over 5 packages (including VA medication prescriptions) have been "Out for Delivery" between 1/20 and today, according to tracking and Daily Digest. Nothing ever arrives. We had a piece of junk mail a few days back. Packages are still in limbo. It's the Pony Express, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bloated, wasteful government agency is having efficiency and retention issues...


GrimDacra t1_j6d4fmf wrote

Right, how stupid to expect things (prescriptions, documents, non-locally available goods) to arrive within 10 days of their scheduled delivery date. Super unreasonable in these modern times, I know.


GrimDacra t1_j6dxqwz wrote

And your views are myopic. The USPS' issues and those of other government agencies (the VA, the DoD, etc.) have existed far beyond Trump's four years in office, give me a break. The bloat, mismanagement, waste, inefficiency, outdated systems, have all been the status quo for years, and comes with the territory of being a government run entity. The problems will only get worse until the old farts in charge either die off or embrace modernity. Average people will be the ones who suffer for it, until then.


soulc t1_j6eh9tg wrote

Really? Myopic? I'll tell you what lacks imagination. Your use of the same old tired complaints of the government haters. Just whine and hate with no suggestions as to fix shit or whatever. We were talking about the USPS. Before Trump I had next day delivery with Amazon prime. Now 5 days if I am lucky. Got meds the mail. Now I pick them up. You are the blind bullshit, my main man.


GrimDacra t1_j6ekcww wrote

I have plenty of suggestions, and I readily gave them during my service to the US government. 99% of the time, they aren't interested in anything but the status quo. The average government employee isn't paid enough to care, and those in power have no incentive to fix the issues, because they don't usually have to partake in their own broken systems.

It's hilarious you mention whining and hating, as a frequent contributer of the Trumpvirus and MensRights communities. You can't find a more hateful, miserable echo chamber than that.

Before you assume, about half the population is female. I'm sure this interaction will solidify your contempt of us. Have a nice day, muchacho.


soulc t1_j6fdmd1 wrote

Before you assume by checking my posts and comments I didn't assume your gender. Didn't even consider it. I also sub to many other subs just have shit to say in those subs cause that's the shit that triggers me. And it's just my opinion so blow it out your ass.


GrimDacra t1_j6fj2fd wrote

"What a dink." "You are the blind bullshit, my main man."

Triggered, indeed.

If you don't want pushback on your comments, don't personally attack random people.


soulc t1_j6fzi5e wrote

Nah I can take push back. I just can't stomach when people think they know shit. I was talking about the USPS. You heaped on all the other shit. Now You want to make it a what a sexist thing? You are still a dink and the blind bullshit was a movie quote from Three Kings ... jagoff.