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Ruffed-Grouse t1_j43p2vq wrote

I don’t believe that is the law. The 45 mph signs are an advisory afaik. They definitely aren’t enforceable.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j43ru5y wrote

I just read on the state police site that if the DOT lowers the speed limit to 45 mph on the highway…it is law.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j442vkz wrote

You are right.

Also “The Authority may designate different maximum speeds … during periods of adverse atmospheric or weather conditions. Maximum speeds … during any period of adverse atmospheric or weather conditions shall be in accordance with signs displayed for such zones. All regulatory and zoning signs displayed on the Turnpike shall be obeyed.”

and also

“Motor vehicles shall not be driven in excess of the mechanical limits of vehicles or tires. If traffic, weather, pavement or other conditions render the maximum allowable speed hazardous, the speed of motor vehicles shall be reduced consistent with such conditions.”


fwydriver t1_j460bb1 wrote

I remember emailing the Maine Turnpike Authority in 2020 about why variable regulatory speed limits are limited to ORT plazas and got the following response at the time:

We do not have any plans at this time install variable speed limits signs at locations besides the ORT plazas. Our flashing 45 MPH signs are technically advisory signs, however motorists can still be issued a ticket for imprudent speed. ORT plazas are different than the rest of interstate and making it regulatory vs advisory prudent.


Ruffed-Grouse t1_j449ncj wrote

Perhaps. But sometimes the sign may say “45mph winter advisory” or whatever hours before precipitation while the roads are still dry. Only an absolute dipshit would poke along I-95 at 45 mph on dry roads and be like “well the sign says.. it’s tHe LAw!”


justadumbwelder1 t1_j43xsdb wrote

I view it as more of a suggestion. Going with the flow of traffic is an important part of driving.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j43zx3o wrote

Driving 70mph on a snow covered road is stupid in my opinion. I am not interested in causing the death of another person. I choose safety over getting there yesterday.


justadumbwelder1 t1_j440chd wrote

Dont disagree with you completely, but when everyone is going 70 and one person is going 45 in the left lane coming out of portland, who is creating the hazard. The "no vehicles under 5hp and no animals led or driven" signs exist for a reason.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j441s03 wrote

If the roads are bad enough that someone is driving 45 in the left lane, and you’re going 70? I have news for you about who is wrong in that situation


justadumbwelder1 t1_j4428o5 wrote

If the roads are bad, yes. If its like last friday and the interstates are fine but the 45 sign is on but everyone is going 70, then what?

Btw, i genuinely dig your user name.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j4446vr wrote


There’s definitely some judgement needed there.

Today I was on 95 & 295 around noon and there were some folks definitely not exercising judgment


justadumbwelder1 t1_j444xlg wrote

Yeah, im down in ri for work and it was 45 and misty here, so no dramas, lol


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j441zq4 wrote

Yeah…should be in the far right lane.


raynedanser t1_j45zprm wrote

Most of the time in Maine there's only a left lane and a right lane. No "far right lane."


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j46csh1 wrote

Southern Maine has three lanes.


raynedanser t1_j46fuwh wrote

Right. As I said, a lot of Maine doesn't though. I didn't say none of maine.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j46gkia wrote

I don’t travel much past Freeport these days. More so to Mass and back, quite often so our grandson can visit his mother. I’m doing 70 in the middle lane and I’ve got crazies blowing by me in the left and right lanes. Swerving! No blinker! There is literally no common sense and no respect ! I was told I was in the wrong lane and going too slow one time.


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j46vot8 wrote

There’s always the catch-all “driving too fast for conditions”. Maine has a basic speed law in addition to the speed limits.

“ An operator shall operate a vehicle at a careful and prudent speed not greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the way and of other conditions then existing.”