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ecco-domenica t1_j6l0oq8 wrote

Reply to comment by Gretyl_Angura in how cold is your house? by bdana666

It depends of course on your stove and your house. I don't know the state of your pipe and chimney. But, yes, most people do load their stoves one last time at night before bed, and once those logs are going good, damp it down just enough, without causing the logs to smoke, to keep the stove going as long as possible. Shut the doors, obviously. It's a nice thing to still have enough live coals in the morning so you can just open the damper and throw in some more logs to start the day. But, if you know you are a worry wart, I'd say do whatever you need to do, including letting it burn out, so you can sleep well. That's the most important thing and you are the boss of your house.