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safetysmitty3990 t1_j5q3i1k wrote

It is definitely not mostly hydroelectric. You can see our current grid mix any time at

80% is also wrong, but NG is the marginal fuel, so any fluctuations in the gas market end up setting rates in New England. Also the issue isn't just the price of gas itself, but the 'basis' price which is the cost of purchasing space on pipelines to move the gas to New England. We don't have enough space on pipelines to heat the region and run electric generators, so prices spike during the winter.


fredezz t1_j5qp9yo wrote

I stand corrected. But, I was half right. Same source


safetysmitty3990 t1_j5qvjza wrote

Haha yes, you still got the main point which is that gas clears the market and sets the price.