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New_Sun6390 t1_j5r598u wrote

>The delivery rate also increased in the summer of 2021 and is scheduled to increase another 30%.

Please provide data to back up this claim. The utility may have requested a rate increase, but simply asking for it does not mean it is "scheduled" to happen any time soon.

The recent price increase in supply is NOT CMP's fault. CMP has zero control over supply prices, and gets no revenue from supply. CMP has the unenviable role of billing on the supplier's behalf, bit it is strictly a pass thru.


New_Sun6390 t1_j5rczct wrote

In virtially every case, the regulators cut the increase down to a fraction of what the utility asks for. This means the utility will not be able to invest in the grid to improve service.


metalandmeeples t1_j5rdzmq wrote

Unfortunately for CMP, perception is reality. This is especially true when it comes to referenda. CMP has an uphill battle to fight and they are the lowest ranked utility in the entire country. They are currently spending millions on astroturf campaigns, but they need rate increases to improve the grid? Best of luck to them, they're going to need it.