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DidDunMegasploded t1_j6tans6 wrote

Okay, the barriers are fine. I can understand the barriers.

But what in the holy McFuck does the light-up stop sign add? People aren't usually ramming into it front-first, they knock it over because they're turning to the left. Slap those bad boys on the back and maybe you have something.


Your move, Biddeford. You may not have the money to renovate the Target, but you can at least do this. Play your damn cards.


eljefino t1_j6u0jz9 wrote

It'll make the photos and memes better.


Arsenault185 OP t1_j6totk8 wrote

Biddeford? Is three an issue at the biddeford target?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j6ufmbh wrote

No. It's just that the Biddeford Target has been slacking on renovations for years unlike its SoPo cousin, which boasts a grocery section and new carts. (TBF though, it looks better on the outside than the outdated SoPo location. So there's that.)

I made the comparison because Target and Walmart are like siblings. The same issue with people running into this pole also happens at the Biddeford Walmart, though definitely not as frequent as what happens in Auburn.