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DidDunMegasploded t1_j6uhdy9 wrote

Ah yes, because what people should do in a parking lot is go full Sonic the Hedgehog and book it across the lot like there's a pile of free money and you have to get it first. Walking? You a pussy or something? Real men and real women run. This is track and field, bitch, not a springtime stroll!

Nice job showing your fatphobia, by the way. Gives me a good insight into one of the regulars of this subreddit.


Arsenault185 OP t1_j6up42s wrote

What was the comment?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j6upwq3 wrote

He said the one-way portal would be a good way to "avoid the lard-asses that push their carts at a half-mile-per-hour".