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Dirty_Lew t1_j721jua wrote

I’ve said multiple times that human error is mostly to blame. You’re the one steadfastly denying that the poor design has anything to do with why so many people happen to crash into this one pole. No, it has to just be extremely coincidental that all these bad drivers happen to hit the same pole. The design is perfect.

Good luck on your crusade to make everyone a perfectly attentive driver. Meanwhile I’ll continue to operate in the real world.


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j74kxi9 wrote

>You’re the one steadfastly denying that the poor design has anything to do with why so many people happen to crash into this one pole.

It absolutely is perfect! That pole is a local folk hero at this point. It's taking dangerous drivers out, one by one, making the roads (at least temporarily) safer for the rest of us, and hopefully giving them a humbling lesson they won't soon forget about paying attention to what they're doing when driving.

>I’ve said multiple times that human error is mostly to blame.

This is well beyond the ordinary types of human error that lead to typical parking lot mishaps. These people are turning left so ridiculously early that, not only are they missing the correct lane, but they're also missing the oncoming lane.

The problem is less that they don't realize where that pole is, and more that they have lost track of where the actual road is that they're supposed to be driving on. They'd be on the sidewalk or in the ditch if this were a public road instead of a parking lot! That pole is not obscured by the A-pillar blind spot at any point where it makes sense to begin turning your steering wheel to the left to go around that corner. And they're not just scraping it because they get a little too close; they're mostly smashing into it head on! That one guy even managed to flip his vehicle over. How dangerously fast must he have been going in a congested parking lot to manage that‽

I've driven through that entrance and made that very left turn many times. It's blatantly obvious what path you need to take to make that left if you have the most basic understanding of how cars steer, and have even a small amount of spatial awareness.

>Good luck on your crusade to make everyone a perfectly attentive driver. Meanwhile I’ll continue to operate in the real world.

The crusade isn't to make everyone a good driver, but to get the bad ones on the bus, or some other form of public transit, instead. Our country made a grave mistake when it built all of its infrastructure around the assumption that everyone should drive their own private cars, and its going to take generations of work to undo that foolishness.