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aconsent t1_ja8u5hi wrote

If you want to inform yourself rather than listening to the same media who have lied to you over and over, try this for context:


FITM-K t1_ja8y7fo wrote

So I actually did watch some of this, and it's mostly complete bullshit.

For example, around ~8:30 he's claiming that most news stories about this didn't list the reason he said those things. Bullshit. The story linked here mentions the reason, and so does every other article I've seen about it. Just for fun, I checked articles from CNN, Reuters, and the Daily Beast – all of them explain why he said it, and that he was responding to that Rasmussen poll, what the poll said, etc.

~13:30 - now he's talking about the economics of cartooning, fucking kill me

16:50 - here's the part where he intimates that any black people who are mad at him are mad because they hate white people, not because of what he said. "You can tell by the comments," he chuckles, offering zero evidence or support for that statement.

17:45 OK, so here he seems to be trying to argue that what he said is just "don't hang out with people who don't like you," and that because people don't disagree with that general idea, that means nobody actually disagrees with what he said, just with "the way he said it". But that's not what he said at all. He's saying white people shouldn't be near black people because – per this poll – a small percentage of black people think it's "not ok to be white." He's not saying stay away from those people, he's saying stay away from ALL black people.

21:00 and now we're at the classic right-winger thing where they pretend EVERYONE agrees with them, but just secretly, because they're too afraid to say it. The fact that almost no one actually agrees doesn't matter because they're "NPCs".

Throwing in the towel around 25 minutes because that's as much of this prick as I can stomach, even at 2x speed. I saw absolutely nothing that explains or justifies what he said.


aconsent t1_ja9443r wrote

You probably still refuse to believe that the source of Covid has now been found to be the Wuhan Institute of Virology - whether a leak or intentional.

Sorry to inform you 2.5 years later that all of the so-called facts on which your opinions were based for all of this time are now debunked, completely.

Clearly we know who the NPCs are.


FITM-K t1_ja98zbw wrote

lmao, I love the WILD swing to a completely unrelated topic because you didn't expect anyone to call your bullshit and actually watch that fucking drivel.

> Clearly we know who the NPCs are.

NPCs are non-player characters in a video game. In my experience, people who apply that term to other humans tend to have the IQ of a turnip. It's a coping mechanism, convincing yourself that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't a person, and it is truly pathetic.


aconsent t1_ja9d0xh wrote

Now that is textbook projection.

For another laugh:

You are yelling at steam from the dryer vent of the media gaslighting you into hating a comic for telling the truth. READ THAT AGAIN.


FITM-K t1_ja9d9i4 wrote

I can and did name the disagreement, but I can see you're not a big "reading comprehension" guy so I'm just gonna move on with my life at this point.


aconsent t1_ja9fide wrote

Sad because what you have said is 'the disagreement' is taken OUT OF CONTEXT so that your shallow intellect can be exploited by the media in the same way that they exploited you into believing for 2.5 years that Covid was a naturally occurring bat virus. Just another example of many that definitively show us how we have been deceived. I sent you the links to help educate yourself but you are too lazy to watch the whole video in order to understand that if you were not some rabid woke creature you would see is entirely truthful and reasonable.

Get yourself some help. If you get the chance read Platos 'Allegory of the Cave' & try to comprehend it.


aconsent t1_ja93ogp wrote

So you are yourself admitting that you don't care enough about context to actually watch a video (crikey!). A perfect example of the typical lazy keyboard warrior who wants to be told what to think. Thus you are falling in line with the woke mob because 'pOpUlAr'.

With regard to your other so-called 'sources' - all of which are perfectly aligned with if not the leaders of your woke mob, please do us all a favor and tune in to a source that disagrees with them if you are too lazy to do the work yourself.


FITM-K t1_ja99pl4 wrote

> So you are yourself admitting that you don't care enough about context to actually watch a video (crikey!).

I did watch ~25 minutes of the video. Crikey! Try reading the comments you reply to?

> A perfect example of the typical lazy keyboard warrior who wants to be told what to think.

Like I said, I watched the video. 25 minutes of unfiltered Scott Adams explaining things in his own words did absolutely nothing to change my opinion. The fact that I watched it and still don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm being "told what to think," it means that I don't agree with you.

Believe or not, different people can have different opinions!

> With regard to your other so-called 'sources' - all of which are perfectly aligned with if not the leaders of your woke mob, please do us all a favor and tune in to a source that disagrees with them if you are too lazy to do the work yourself.

Yeah I fucking did, I watched a bunch of the video YOU recommended. It sucked.


No_Act_920 t1_jaacgd1 wrote


In your view the best defense of shitty behavior is best obtained from the guy with shitty behavior?

Thanks for the tip!


aconsent t1_jacw0x3 wrote

Did you see Scott Adams interview with Hotep Jesus?


Didnt think so.


No_Act_920 t1_jadi3qk wrote

You again cite the source as evidence. That’s bias.

Trump defending Trump proves nothing. Same for Biden defending Biden etc etc etc.

If you’ve ever written anything that requires a cited source you should know that you cannot cite yourself as the source - for the excellent reason that you may be biased in favor of yourself. As Scott Adams is.


aconsent t1_jadwa14 wrote

When someone gets cancelled for having spoken the truth there is no other source to be referenced other than what that person actually said.

You cannot cite a biased so-called news outlet and allow them to assign to you whatever conclusions they are telling you to have. Dont be a bot.


No_Act_920 t1_jaewf4g wrote

Well…. You cancelled me for speaking the truth. I defended myself so you now believe me right? Because I’m the best most reliable unbiased source about me!

Yay! I convinced you!