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aconsent t1_ja9443r wrote

You probably still refuse to believe that the source of Covid has now been found to be the Wuhan Institute of Virology - whether a leak or intentional.

Sorry to inform you 2.5 years later that all of the so-called facts on which your opinions were based for all of this time are now debunked, completely.

Clearly we know who the NPCs are.


FITM-K t1_ja98zbw wrote

lmao, I love the WILD swing to a completely unrelated topic because you didn't expect anyone to call your bullshit and actually watch that fucking drivel.

> Clearly we know who the NPCs are.

NPCs are non-player characters in a video game. In my experience, people who apply that term to other humans tend to have the IQ of a turnip. It's a coping mechanism, convincing yourself that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't a person, and it is truly pathetic.


aconsent t1_ja9d0xh wrote

Now that is textbook projection.

For another laugh:

You are yelling at steam from the dryer vent of the media gaslighting you into hating a comic for telling the truth. READ THAT AGAIN.


FITM-K t1_ja9d9i4 wrote

I can and did name the disagreement, but I can see you're not a big "reading comprehension" guy so I'm just gonna move on with my life at this point.


aconsent t1_ja9fide wrote

Sad because what you have said is 'the disagreement' is taken OUT OF CONTEXT so that your shallow intellect can be exploited by the media in the same way that they exploited you into believing for 2.5 years that Covid was a naturally occurring bat virus. Just another example of many that definitively show us how we have been deceived. I sent you the links to help educate yourself but you are too lazy to watch the whole video in order to understand that if you were not some rabid woke creature you would see is entirely truthful and reasonable.

Get yourself some help. If you get the chance read Platos 'Allegory of the Cave' & try to comprehend it.