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cepheus42 t1_ja9tom8 wrote

Of course it's rigged. It's rigged by the wealthy, who are by nature conservative and ensure the laws benefit them and fuck everyone else over. It's rigged by corporations who privatize their profits for shareholders while they socialize any losses they have. It's rigged in a myriad of ways, none of which are caused by leftists, minorities, socialists, communists, or any of the many other -ists that have never held any real power in this country, and when they tried they were ostracized, investigated, banned, jailed, or murdered. Their leaders are later white washed down to the most banal utterances ("I have a dream") while the real radical views are forgotten completely ("Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.").

You're welcome to join us in our endless struggles to ensure equality and justice for all, and reparations for the harms caused by colonization, exploitation, privatization and endless amounts of lying bullshit labeled as misinformation. To build a better society. Or you can just sit there and claim "both sides" if you prefer while shit keeps swirling around the drain.