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Netherthoughts t1_jad41i8 wrote

You really don't know how it works. He says, "There's a live unicorn in my garage." I say, "I don't believe you." You think saying "Prove me wrong" is the right answer.

It isn't.


Sourdieselmang t1_jad5wjz wrote

What a piss poor obfuscation. He was citing a poll in which 50% of black people think it’s “not okay” to be white. Why wouldn’t you avoid these people at all costs? Should black people not avoid communities of 50% white supremacists?You are willfully misrepresenting his point bc you know he’s right. Can you address either of those points? You can’t and you won’t, because there’s no logical argument to be made in favor.

Fuck I can’t believe low IQ morons are making me defend boomer cartoon man.


Sourdieselmang t1_jadj267 wrote

Lol. You can’t even cite his claim, you’re just compelled to condemn it bc the TV told you to. Basically just a virtue signal. You don’t even know what his claim is, you’re just told “cartoon man bad now bc racism” and you uncritically accept it. Low IQ behavior.


Netherthoughts t1_jaejpgt wrote

Here is where he ridiculous misrepresents the data to further his personal bias (let's forget this is a poll of 1,000 people -- a terribly inadequate amount for any conclusion). Cited from the Boston Herald:

"He (Adams) said it revealed that 26% of Black respondents said it’s 'not OK to be White' and 21% said 'they weren’t sure.' With a degree of amazement, Adams said: “That’s 47% of Blacks not willing to say it’s OK to be White."

The 21% "not sure" are not the "not OK" group. He lumped them together because he has his own fears and biases. His claim can't even be supported by a pretty lousy survey that he himself is citing, because he misrepresents the meager data.

"Racism" is a label for a larger problem. It's the reliance on stereotypes that reveals "Low IQ behavior." Believe it or not, not all Black people are the same, as not all White people are the same. Scott Adams reveals that he has a rather small mind when it comes to the world at large and he's getting called out for it.