Submitted by garrettofdoom t3_10rvog4 in Maine

I have a 20 yr old male neighbor who has been kicked out of his house. He's currently staying with me due to the cold, but would like to find something more permanent for him. Can anyone please suggest resources for finding housing? He does not have a job, and is sober as far as I know. Looking for assistance programs to get him on his own so this "one or two nights" staying over doesn't stretch into weeks.


Edit: Thanks to all for the responses, we got him in contact with some of his family, who are getting him help.



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Wooden-Importance t1_j6xw51o wrote

For him,

  1. Get a job
  2. Get paid
  3. Find housing

IDK what he expects, but there are people WITH jobs and families that don't have housing. You should send him on his way (after this cold snap) with directions to the nearest homeless shelter.

Why doesn't he have a job? There are jobs available everywhere.

Perhaps he should make nice with whoever kicked him out, and return to that house. Unemployed 20 year olds don't have a lot of options for free housing.


imnotyourbrahh t1_j6y37o4 wrote

Location would be helpful because counties have different programs. KVCAP in Kennebec helps people like him.


happyMLE t1_j6y5qtj wrote

He's the right age for job corps. I've only heard good things about the program. They provide housing, meals, and training.


New-Work-139 t1_j6y63ps wrote

Oh boy. I’d agree with others here - he needs to get a job asap. Unless you want him in and out of the shelter system, that’s the only way he’s going to get housing of his own.

Good luck to you OP but I don’t see this ending well to be honest. People don’t often voluntarily part with free housing in my experience. Word to the wise, if you accept any work as payment, he is legally a tenant and you need to give 30 days notice before you can evict him.


BillDStrong t1_j6y6zoh wrote

As someone that was in Job Corps more than 20 years ago, I think it is a good program for those that are motivated.

Also, I don't know what is available here in Maine, but taking one of the trades is a great path forward for a good living, especially with the clear lack of them today.


CommonAmazing1796 t1_j6yaftw wrote

He needs a job then send him to the homeless shelter (Portland). He will have food shelter


bwma t1_j6ybj7i wrote

It’s all seasonal work. Jobs include cheap, and even sometimes free, housing and food. It’s a great way to save money because you work and don’t really have bills. I have a friend who got a DUI, lost his license and was on track to be homeless. He found a job at a resort and over the course of a season was able to save up $10k.


conflictedbosun t1_j6yds7f wrote

Get that lad on a lobster/fishing boat. He'll have room and board while making good money. Good enough to come home with rental dough to get set up with a place. Don't get sucked into this vortex, been there, done that, with people I really care about. (And will again, tbh, lotta "free spirits" in my circle) But there is a massive difference between helping and enabling.


Flashy_Yam967 t1_j6ygxf0 wrote

Military service. Paycheck, housing, job training. At age 20 and absent disqualifiers (drugs, felonies, medical), homelessness is a choice because military is an option.


Darcola123 t1_j6ygzj2 wrote

This is good advice. They also offer job placement and financial transition assistance.

You just have to follow the rules, and there are a lot of them, but it's worth the work for all the help people can get.


Freeman0032 t1_j6yi1mt wrote

is that a joke this is capitalism, monetize whats left of him and then blame him for his misfortune. There is no incentive to help each other under capitalism.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j6yiauy wrote

Good luck, you are going to need it. 20 and no job, my 14 yr old grandson has a job.


contra-bonos-mores t1_j6yj1i4 wrote

Around what city are you near? I help folks find housing and have some resources but I’m on the Midcoast


hapsap15 t1_j6ypqyh wrote

Pleasant Street Drop in Center in auburn can probably help with resources, and point him in the right direction. If he’s not sober, An Angel’s Wing is a great starting place for information and referral in the L/A area.


Wooden-Importance t1_j6yqjat wrote

Very good argument. /s

Seriously what part of my post triggered you?

There is very little public assistance available for an unemployed 20 y.o single man.

I gave totally reasonable advise an some folks just freaked out.

Seriously, instead of talking garbage, tell me what was wrong with my post.


missing1102 t1_j6ysnw0 wrote

I have worked with the homeless for 25 years. The system has no real place for kids his age. There may be a youth shelter in your community that's where I would start. People have lots of different ideas about homelessness..most kids his age don't do well in any kind of shelter environment. The ones for youth have extreme rules and the ones for adults are no place for 20 year old. They typically become targets for predators or instigate issues. This is based on managing a shelter that held hundreds every night.

Your kindness means something. The posts here about being careful or not extending that kindness are very accurate ...unless the young man is exceptional. If you have the patience you could sit down with him and have him call community resources. If he's not capable of doing it himself and it's overwhelming for you then pm me and I can try to help you.


kazaskie t1_j6ytksv wrote

Right but the issue is that say this person lands a minimum wage job tomorrow, they’re still going to be out in the cold in a day or two. No place to wash themselves or their clothes, no phone or email to keep up to date with their employer. And even if they manage to find a solution to all those problems while unhoused, they’re still going to need at least like 3 weeks pay for a deposit and months rent on a place, and that’s saving literally every penny they’re making from that job.. and also I’m not sure if you’ve factored taxes into that 550/week, so they’d be making even less than you’re suggesting


halfkender t1_j6yxdt0 wrote

Contact 211 . They have local resources just for this scenario.


Chupacabra2030 t1_j6z22dt wrote

Surely someone on this subreddit has an extra room.


Cashewcamera t1_j6z2kk7 wrote

The military is good for this with a big addendum:

The right job.

He should aim for fields like health care, nuclear, aircraft mechanic (specifically aircraft), underwater, computer security, wielder, electronics repair, Intelligence, or a job with a high clearance he can then push into the civilian sector (at least Top Secret). There are lots of good jobs that translate well to civilian life with good paying jobs.

He should steer clear of infantry, supply, truck driver, artillery, mechanic. They will give you nothing.

There are lots of subreddits to help with this. If he’s not into military life it’s better to go Coast Guard or Airforce.

He should at least study for the ASVAB and take the test.

Active duty is full board, food, health care, 30 days paid vacation and college money. Should anyone HAVE to do this? NO. But it is an absolutely viable option to get ahead of the game when your starting off at the bottom of the ladder.


garrettofdoom OP t1_j6z3qex wrote

Thank you, I look at a shelter as an absolute last resort since he can't stay here. This is a he might die out there tonight with nothing, but come normal temps (meaning after this cold snap), he's not staying here. Period.


Eccentrically_loaded t1_j6zc1on wrote

Username doesn't check out!

Ha, ha. Thanks for caring. Sounds like you have had a lot of good advice.


Money-Topic-725 t1_j6zfosa wrote

Have him call Knox County Homeless Coalition if he’s in Knox, Waldo, or Lincoln County! We have TCM (case mgmt) services. 207-593-8151


Seyword t1_j6ziv4c wrote

Kicked out by whom? Family? Landlord? Stopped paying rent?


AndronicusI t1_j6zmi29 wrote

Second this option, but check with him to see if he has access to any of his personal documents - birth certificate, state ID/DL, social security card, income statements (if any) and if he's currently on probation. Depending on the center/contractor, they usually need copies of those to move forward further along with the admissions process. Having any pending legal entanglements (i.e. probation, upcoming court hearings, etc.) will deny him entry outright or delay it until resolved.

If he has a "documented disability," then the income requirement is waived and he's essentially conditionally accepted barring something negative popping up on background check.

If he's interested and has those docs, then he should mention that he wants to become a "residential student," which will prioritize entry, as most centers are desperate to fill spots on campus.

Happy to further assist if he's interested .


Buccimister t1_j6znjtk wrote

If he’s in the Augusta area, reach out to Bread of Life.


houseonthehilltop t1_j6zpm26 wrote

You are very kind and thoughtful. By your example maybe this young man will one day be able to do the same and "pay it forward". I don't live in the area so I am of no help but I am sending my best to you both


IamSauerKraut t1_j6zq0df wrote

20 years old but no job...

I hear the Army is looking for a few good men.


awhol01 t1_j6zwevt wrote

What does he have for skills? Does he have ambition to work? Why are you asking not him? If he wants to work I know places hiring for laborers.


IBOstro t1_j6zy920 wrote

If he has a birthday later than his housing needs there is a youth homeless shelter in Bangor that will help establish a record of housing insecurity and help file the paperwork for attaining a housing voucher with the state. The day program is 7:30-7:30 and the shelter runs 7:30-7:30. They can help with transportation to/from work with cab vouchers. Food assistance is available too. They accept 13-21 last I checked. There is also a transitional living program in the same building that helps youth get into apartments.


SeantheBangorian t1_j702shs wrote

One of the projects I had to complete was English tutoring at Job Crops in Bangor. The tutoring was eye-opening and rewarding. This is an excellent program for those devoted. I suggest he looks into this. Depending on his needs as well, it is near the bus station, so he can get to places if needed.


Alternative_Sort_404 t1_j70ftqv wrote

Getting into the trades here is kind of a crap-shoot… You never know whether you will work for someone responsible and organized or whether you will be treated as just a casual laborer with no hope of advancement or even the most basic training about anything. (From experience) Edit - a formal program would be a better bet for success


[deleted] t1_j719o8g wrote

OP, thanks for doing what you can to help those in your community. I've learned more from reading this thread too.


BeatNick5384 t1_j71atum wrote

Depending on what county you are in, contact your local County Action Program and refer him for Family Coaching or Workforce. They have funds to help people in situations like that.


farmingmaine t1_j71y4vv wrote

Join the Navy. Food, housing, training, supervision.