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bwma t1_ja2tl5d wrote

He's a dumbass making excuses for a dog that nobody should own.

I'm surprised he's not blaming the little girl.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja39gwd wrote

Tell my boys that. Their best friend is our 3 year old, incredible pitbull.


Impossible_Brief56 t1_ja4fore wrote

Well that's just bad parenting on your end. No better time than the present to fix your mistake!


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja4g9dw wrote

Bad parenting?

How about you fuck right off. One of the best and sweetest dogs we've ever owned.

What is wrong with you people?


Literallydead_1 t1_ja5m0ay wrote

That's what they all say... "but they were our family for 7 years!"

Insert shocked Pikachu face


Impossible_Brief56 t1_ja8cyk1 wrote

Well you made a stupid decision that puts your family that I assume you care about at an unnecessary risk. Clearly you don't understand this. That is on you. You can be defiantly stupid all you want. I'm a huge Darwin fan.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja8e76i wrote

As someone who has a veterinarian in my family, and years of experience dealing with rescues, I'm extremely confident in our decision, thank you very much. And it's been incredibly rewarding.

It would be nice if people came into this conversation with their heads not so far up their own asses, and maybe just a speck of actual knowledge versus blatant ignorance.

Also a huge fan of Darwin.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja3rb8t wrote

Ignorant ass people downvoting this. Sorry our family's reality doesn't fit your ignorant narrative.


NewspaperEconomy5473 t1_ja5j1xa wrote

Nobody here cares about your "family's reality". Don't expect anyone to coddle you just because you have a vicious dog.

Wanna talk about ignorance? You downplaying the very real and present danger that pitbulls present is peak ignorance.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja5k7n2 wrote

Nobody is asking to be coddled. We are perfectly happy enjoying the incredibly loving animal that is part of our family.

I can assure you the ignorance in this conversation is not coming from me.


Literallydead_1 t1_ja5m4ig wrote

Lmfao what narrative? I used to be fully about it being how they were raised. Now that I've grown up more and seen the statistics &horrors, I know the difference.


[deleted] t1_ja3ykkh wrote

These people are morons, Dude. I don’t know I’m engaging this hate factory. None of these fuck faces would come to your house and start clutching their pearls when they saw your dog. Oh, the humanity…!


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja4a1fj wrote

No kidding, man.

I've spent a good part of my life raising awareness for pitbulls. Most people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about, but man are they quick to get on their soapbox to preach. The media koolaid is something else, and boy do they slurp it up.


[deleted] t1_ja4dccv wrote

It’s amazing because all of the data is self reporting. My sister has a dog that you’d call a pit bull if you didn’t know what you were talking about. She did a dna test, has nothing that you’d expect in it, I don’t even remember what it is. But if it attacked someone, it’s a pit bull.


[deleted] t1_ja34qpl wrote

Your point being a “pit bull type dog” couldn’t be any bully breed dog from mastiff to bull dog. Are you maybe having a reactionary “pit bulls are bad, even though everyone calls any bully breed dog they see a ‘pit bull’” moment?
