Submitted by xkoffinkatx t3_11a6dd5 in Maine

Hello fellow Mainiacs! Few more weeks and hopefully this snow bullshit will be over!? I can't really enjoy the majesticness of it as my Siatica in my back decided to go crazy today and I'm laid up in bed, I even called out for my night job which is something I never do, I work two jobs and barely call out, trust me this isn't Fun! SO I really appreciate all the different pictures of the snow all over the state, everybody please be safe and we got this! Well we're on the issue of pain, has anybody used the THC / CBD cream from any dispensaries for back problems, Etc. I know it's expensive I'm just wondering if it's worth the investment. I have had the sciatica pain since about 2009, it comes and goes but it hurts really bad for a few days and I take aspirin and pot it takes it away a little bit but I need something that will work all day. Thanks for the advice in advance.



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SirJoab t1_j9qb3vw wrote

My sciatica has been going nuts today too! For me, I found that aspirin is weirdly effective for sciatica. Never tried CBD. I'm a truck driver, so I still can't. 🙄


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9qfdyl wrote

Why can't you try CBD? Especially creams/lotions. It doesn't get you high, thats THC. Or does both show up in drug tests? I honestly don't know. It's been 10 years since I've needed a drug test (and that was only for real drugs lol)


SirJoab t1_j9qibr6 wrote

Yeah, DOT does random drug tests all the time, and they are very sensitive to TCH/CBD. I met a trucker who got busted by a test 32 days after having some. Lost his license for a year. Truckers can't have it, even with a prescription.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9qipmf wrote

Wow, that sucks. I didn't realize those tests were so sensitive. Which I guess that's good, since you guys are on the roads all the time, but dang, that's a strict policy. I had no idea, thanks for the information!


AbrasiveDad t1_j9qwa53 wrote

I tried cbd drops 2 times years ago that claimed there was no thc content. Got piss tested 2 weeks later at work and tested positive for thc. Fortunately my employer couldn't take action on positive thc testing due to changing state laws at the time.


ryandoesdabs t1_j9tu4zj wrote

Just fyi, topicals don’t absorb into the blood stream and will not get you high. No matter how much thc/cbd is in them. And they will not show a dirty drug test for that reason. That is only true for topicals though. Tinctures will absorb into the blood stream via the mucus barrier in your mouth. I still understand not taking a chance on your career. But I had to share that information so it was known.


BurningPage t1_j9qjczq wrote

I'd recommend seeing an osteopath if you can! Helped me tremendously.


Successful_Border321 t1_j9qlehd wrote

Working on hip mobility, glute strength, and regular use of a ‘Chirp Wheel’ cured me. After years of regular pain, I feel ten years younger.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9q5lhu wrote

I've used like and icy/hot with cdb in it, and it did work (although that could totally be because of the icy/hot stuff in it). It was for my back, so not quite the same issue.

You could try talking to an employee there and seeing what they think will help. Buy the smallest size available and see if it helps? Any good shop will try to steer to you to a product that actually gets results (long-term customer), and not just makes them money(one-time customer). At least from what I've noticed.


xkoffinkatx OP t1_j9qf0tw wrote

Thank you! Next time I will do that! It's just so expensive I want to make sure my money is going to something that will help me, I'm snowed in today but I can't take days off of work just because of this, I need some relief. I injured it back in 09 and the nurse told my mom who went with me to the hospital, that once you mess up a sciatic nerve it's an ongoing thing. Like I said I called out of work and I never do that, I'm just going to take the day to rest. Have a good night and be safe


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9qgt5j wrote

It is an ongoing issue, I'm not sure much can be done (surgically or medication) other than what you already do to alleviate the pain. But I'm no Dr, nor do I suffer from sciatica pain.

That stuff is expensive, trust me, I understand the apprehension. I hate buying things that don't work, and you can't return. Take some time to look around for a good shop though. As around your local area (or just outside your local area) and see how good reviews are, how helpful/knowledgeable staff is, etc.

As I said previously (in different words lol), any smart shop owner/employee would want to keep customers coming back, so they should be able to recommend something worth buying.

One thing I didnt say, keep in mind that each and every one of us is different. What works for some may not work for you. An alternate approach, you could consult with your doctor to see if s/he has any recommendations for you. Make sure to mention this incident and it is preventing you from work.


SwvellyBents t1_j9qor5y wrote

I had sciatica from a herniated disc when I was younger, I know what pain you are in. You have my sympathies.

I get recurrent neuro pathic pain, very similar to sciatica but different nerves, in my legs now due to hip arthritis. My orthopod prescribed Pregabalin, which has successfully managed that pain until I can get a new hip, hopefully soon.

You might want to consult your MD or a specialist.

Best of luck!


ryandoesdabs t1_j9tta49 wrote

I highly recommend trying a full spectrum topical. It isn’t widely known that using thc topically WONT cause psychoactive response in your brain. Aka it won’t get you high. But it is fantastic for deep joint and bone pain. I suffer from gout pretty regularly and topicals work wonders for the pain. The full spectrum extracts contain all the beneficial cannabinoids that can aide in pain relief.