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cafenegroporfa t1_j8e63ef wrote

I still feel like biofuel is the way to go for boats/planes and heavy machinery.

i’d be interested to see how long an electric boat could last


silence7 OP t1_j8eaajz wrote

The US currently dedicates~40% of corn, and a similar fraction of soybean oil to biofuels already. So there's limited room to expand biofuels to support all the applications that we currently use liquid fuels for. My expectation is that shorter-range boats, intended for single-day travel, are likely to be electrified.


cafenegroporfa t1_j8ehhhm wrote

This is all true. It seems like ferries would ideal for being electrified, considering they don’t go too far and are on a set course.

I’m still hopeful that we can manage to build a better biodiesel infrastructure to help support machinery/boats/planes. But everyone may keep pushing electric-powered transport


captaindog t1_j8ea74b wrote

Agreed- the endurance of a 36’ lobster boat depends on the energy density of diesel


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j8fd32r wrote

About halfway through their traps then they'd have to for a real boat to tow them in 😂 (joking I have no idea)