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gretchens t1_ja829xm wrote

Have there been any more details on how they were found? My hope, in being familiar with that area, and knowing it was a good weekend for sleds and ice fishing, was that the back roads and ITS would be fairly busy and increase the odds of discovery.


gretchens t1_jaao5uf wrote

Ah yea, of course it was a guy who was a classmate of my sister back in the day. Good on him, though. This is the one time they’d have been found more quickly if they’d stayed on the ITS!


A_Common_Loon t1_jacmhzi wrote

I always say Maine is a small town. LOL

I really wonder how they ended up where they did. The warden said they had been on an ITS trail but the trail made a 90 degree turn and kept going on a logging trail, and they were found on the logging trail. I'm not familiar with that area at all, but I'm guessing it's hard to tell what road is what under the snow?


gretchens t1_jaco7k5 wrote

Yeah, and 'logging road' can be a relatively smooth, wide gravel road or it can be two ruts in the dirt, it is so varied. GPS used to send people to my hometown on the logging roads and they'd show up in rental cars terrified they just voided the contract by the route they took! ITS and some logging roads under snow would look the same, actally ITS might look MORE like a road because they are maintained.

I'm glad they at least had the sense to NOT leave the car, that would have been an absolute death sentence.


A_Common_Loon t1_jactlr6 wrote

I kept thinking about James Kim, who was stranded with his family and died after he left their car. I was living in Northern California when this happened and it has stuck with me. Never leave the car!


gretchens t1_jae3i44 wrote

Yep, the Kim family was almost the inverse of this situation - all of the technology got them INTO the problem. I can't believe it was that long ago! I remember that one well bc my daughter was the same age as the baby, and it was too easy to imagine.