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ed74morrow t1_j7bv0q2 wrote

Thank God I wouldn't want to suffer.


moxie-maniac t1_j7c5ha4 wrote

Bath Iron Works and Brunswick NAS?

NH Pease AFB? Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. (Technically in Maine.)?


11feetWestofEast t1_j7c87mb wrote

Portland, Brunswick NAS, maine Yankee. That's all based off of cold War Era ideals. Loring used to be on there as well. The reality is now that both Brunswick and maine yankee are basically worthless as targets, maine has almost no real worthy targets. Portland only because of size and deep water port, but even that is low on the scale


DeedricMoon t1_j7cazls wrote

Ag, okay, just move to northern Maine or western Colorado. Got it.


Shakedwn t1_j7cdx43 wrote

BIW; heavy industry and institutional knowledge also Portsmouth for similar reasons. Air fields by themselves are not strategically important.


indyaj t1_j7co6jq wrote

eyeroll. Whatever. Fucking relax.

Disclaimer: I'm gen-x.


MosskeepForest t1_j7cp0id wrote

The great thing about Maine is that fallout won't be carried here as easily. The explosions aren't the worse part of a nuke (or what kills the most people), instead it's the days of fallout that begins to snow after.


ppitm t1_j7cpmdi wrote

BIW is definitely a target in a high use scenario. Portland was already leaked as a Chinese countervalue target because it is easy to hit over the poles. They aim to hit at least one city in each state.


Ironbird207 t1_j7cznhc wrote

Cutler should be on the list. People think it's shut down but it's just under civilian control. When the Ukraine invasion happened it began running 24/7.


Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_j7dembk wrote

You don’t need to nuke VLF Cutler to destroy it.

In the winter they routinely have to pump additional power into the antenna arrays to keep them de-iced.

A conventional bomb or missile hitting one of the antenna towers or the control building would take down the whole operation.


Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_j7dfugy wrote

A map like this is kind of funny.

You gotta think there’s at least 1 nuclear-capable country saying, “oh neat, we didn’t even think about nuking Muleshoe, Texas!


TwoforFlinching613 t1_j7dnef6 wrote

Excited to live in Boston (actual city) and frequently visit my family in Scarborough/Portland, which should work out well.


InfamousCelery4438 t1_j7dzcq1 wrote

Meh. I watched The Day After, in the 1980's. Then some fucking asshole from Pease Airforce base broke the sound barrier over our heads. Have a nice day, asshole.


DirigoNomad t1_j7e0v65 wrote

I know "they" wouldn't need a nuke for it but, I'm honestly surprised that Bangor International isn't on the list. It's a vitally important runway for the Air Force as it's the last airport in America to stop and refuel.


spintrackz t1_j7e41g1 wrote

No, but he would be the kind of guy to think he could get away with it without dying in a fireball. He's also got that nifty Dead Hand system he knows he can use.


indyaj t1_j7e44m0 wrote

I was replying to the person who said the places to move are northern Maine and western Colorado. I wasn't talking or thinking about the sites. I guess that's why I misunderstood your previous comment lol.


Forward-Ant-4433 t1_j7elyih wrote

FYI. Our highways are designed to turn into runways by laying down the lampposts


Moot_n_aboot t1_j7fjy5p wrote

BIW or the former Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Station spent fuel storage yard?


theresin t1_j7hfet5 wrote

BNAS would still be useful in an all-out scenario, because you know damn well the government would take it back over if they had to (all the facilities are still there, as is the long runway).

But barring that, a lot of BIW's infrastructure and work-force are located from Brunswick to Wiscasset so ... might as well be thorough.


hike_me t1_j7lg1hy wrote

It takes years to build and launch a ship. BIW is basically irrelevant in total nuclear war

It’s only on the 2000 warhead scenario because they’re probably running out of strategically important things to nuke at that point


hike_me t1_j7lgfhc wrote

It takes years to build and launch a ship from BIW. In any scenario where hundreds of nukes are flying it’s basically irrelevant.

Air fields are strategically important if they factor into an immediate counter offensive.