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Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9k8hzw wrote

That's the biggest joke to the guys when discussing plowing my driveway out. Jakes* gonna go plow out Jenny* now. I can assure you though, Jake isn't coming anywhere near Jenny, unless it's specifically for snow removal πŸ˜‚

*Not real names lol


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9k9vmc wrote

We almost never talk to our down the street neighbor, but inevitably, every time there's more than 6 inches of snow he's rumbling down the street in his Kubota to plow out our driveway.

I don't even bother getting out our dinky electric blower anymore.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9kaivw wrote

It's it great? I love the neighbors. I'm about the same though, I mind my own business, wave and smile as needed. The last snowstorm *Jake took forever to get to my house, I needed to get my kiddo to school, so I just shoveled my way out, as I was doing so a similar neighbor to yours came by with a Kubota and asked if I needed help.


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9l5jbg wrote

My regular guys name is *Neal. I found *Neal because *Steve used to plow me, but then he texted me last storm and said "I moved away so I'm really sorry I can't plow you anymore, but my guy Neal is awesome, he can take care of you moving forward."

I'm not joking this is a verbatim text.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9l5whi wrote

Lmao this is even more funny to me because my kiddo has a skeleton hanging on her door named Steve. I think I'm far too easily amused some times...


fastIamnot t1_j9lknc0 wrote

The least Neal could do it take you out to dinner first.


[deleted] t1_j9kh93i wrote

What a nice dude


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9khob3 wrote

I know. Minds his own business but plows our driveway. A good kind of neighbor to have.


Msghall1229 t1_j9l72nm wrote

I pay my neighbor in beer. Least he ain’t sloshed when he’s plowing


Huckleberry-Powerful t1_j9lmpa6 wrote

This reminds me of a childhood story: My siblings and I always got tasked with shoveling the driveway as kids. It wasn't a big driveway, but we always dreaded doing it. One day we were about half done shoveling after a big storm, and one of the neighbors comes over with his snowblower and starts helping us out. After about 5 seconds of that, my mother comes running out of the house waving her arms and says something like "No, no. The kids can shovel. They don't mind." So he turned around and headed home, and we picked up our shovels and finished. I grew up in The County. Go figure.


eljefino t1_j9m88vf wrote

Somehow I convinced my sister that we should "race" shovelling the driveway to build snow forts out of the berms we created.

We had a rule that we could only throw snowballs from "our land" and the asphalt was no-mans-land.

In hindsight we were such tools.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9m8azm wrote

I'm glad to have neighbors that help us plow and shovel snow in our driveway from storms that we inadvertently create by way of needing to go to an appointment or needing to travel and talking about it openly.

Your neighbor's a good guy.


Guygan t1_j9kzya0 wrote

I love the Facebook posts:

β€œLooking for someone to plow me in Sanford. Willing to pay $45”


BOOSH207 t1_j9knlcb wrote

Oh is it going to snow or something ?


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9kohi5 wrote

Yeah. Somewhere between 4-40 inches. With wind gusts maybe just 5 MPH or maybe 50.


BOOSH207 t1_j9la1nz wrote

The last two big storms my boss goes β€œit won’t affect our trucks going to Boston it’ll blow right over…” said the same thing this morning during a meeting. 7-10 inches won’t affect a truck going south right?


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9lajr6 wrote

There's always that guy.

I work in property management and the guy who was on call during the last storm (for plowing hahahaha) was like "It's only going to be an inch or two, I'm not even going to have to plow."


BOOSH207 t1_j9laz8w wrote

True true. The funniest thing is my boss in staying in Maine due to the storm because he comes up from mass every day. But he says it won’t affect our tractor going south lol


MosskeepForest t1_j9l8ij6 wrote

My neighbor said he was going to come by and plow me.... I wasn't too sure what he meant 😳


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9l9j3v wrote

I commented above, the guy who used to come plow the driveway moved and sent me a text apologizing that he could no longer plow me, but that his friend could start taking care of me.


Junior_Wrap_2896 t1_j9ldkao wrote

Pshaw. I get 8 inches every night.


PleasantParfait48 OP t1_j9lefkg wrote

Be honest. It's more like 4-6 isn't it?


Junior_Wrap_2896 t1_j9lfag7 wrote

It's only funny when you quote the actual forecast. Then my boyfriend will dread it every time he sees 2-3 inches forecast. 😁


fastIamnot t1_j9lk6u8 wrote

It's not about length, it's about girth.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9lrpyo wrote

Must be why women are so happy once the baby's head pops out...


kjimdandy t1_j9lscmp wrote

Ah, I see they found your mom's house


fastIamnot t1_j9lkigk wrote

Shame. Caribou and Houlton ain't gonna get any.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9lrtht wrote

Brothers will be happy to get some OT... been bitching about not having enough beer $$.