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ghostsintherafters t1_j9yjv57 wrote

Yeah, I'm wondering if they caught the nazi vandals. Die nazi scum!


11_Wolfie_11 t1_ja0uz78 wrote

It’s interesting how the term “Nazi” is universally used these days to universally describe awfulness.

If it’s looked at objectively, the Nazi party was a political movement, that did awful things during a period of time.

If one were to look at the Japanese, raping Chinese women and injecting them with syphilis to observe the effects on the infant, or conducting experimental surgeries on conscious allied POWs…maybe “Jap scum” just doesn’t have the same ring as “Nazi scum.”

The Christianization of Europe is a whole new can of worms. However, “French scum” just doesn’t do it for some people, ironically.


Tronbronson t1_ja0z98a wrote

We're talking about people who follow Nazi ideology and propaganda. So yes they're Nazi's. Not all fascists are Nazi's, but all Nazi's are fascists, so thats probably why it gets thrown around a lot. but in this case sounds like they are talking about actual Nazi's.... If you are confused about why people don't distinguish war crimes with an entire race of people vs an ideology that continues to commit crimes, it's because that's racist. If you're unsure of what racism is and trying to defend Nazis... You might be a Nazi piece of shit? Can I help you with any other questions?


11_Wolfie_11 t1_ja12k31 wrote

The Nazis were socialists, actually. Not fascists. And all war crimes come from zealotry. I have no questions, and am all set with your take on things.


RTCVT t1_ja1mxev wrote

Nazi's were socialists in the same way that NK is a democratic people's republic


Tronbronson t1_ja15m0a wrote

>and am all set with your take on things

I think the world can go without you trying to defend the Neo-Nazi's from being interpreted as Nazi's. So maybe if I don't have to read Neo-Nazi propaganda you want have to hear my opinion on it.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_ja18sod wrote

Nothing about the original subject matter of my comment had anything to do with protecting neo-Nazis from being interpreted as Nazis. Rather that people like to use Nazi as a buzz word for outrage, for reasons that defy logic when you broaden your scope. So…case and point, I guess. You are barking at the window.

Also, if you think the Japanese didn’t see the Chinese as racially inferior, you are mistaken. But, I digress. You’ve just chosen to be angry about one group more than another, which has no effect on my life😘


Tronbronson t1_ja0zomw wrote

Maybe because there's barely anyone alive who remembers being at war with Japan, and we've all had to deal with Nazi shit heads more than a few times... Who fucking knows comrade question.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_ja12ed8 wrote

Both those situations literally came from the same war lol

The propaganda gods just chose one over the other, for no clear reason is my point.

“We’ve all had to deal with these Nazi shitheads?” I haven’t, ever. I live in the class of humans where we go to work, deal with it and go home. Night shift in the shithole factories of the world, everyone’s there. People who hid in cupboards from the Serbs in Bosnia. People who lived through revolts in Haiti, avoiding having they’re heads cut off with machetes to sneak water out of gutters. Puerto Rican lesbians who grew up with abusive fathers. All of which worked they’re way up to making a solid living, sweating together in a 120 degrees in the summer.

I’m just musing, as a white privileged devils advocate who was in the exact same place and time, doing the exact same shit.

My point is: In my experience, nobody who’s actually in the mix turning the wheels cares about any of this. The current political climate is a fantasy, for Hammers and Nails that don’t have anything else to do.


Tronbronson t1_ja155nm wrote

Jeez Idk maybe it's just all the people running around with Nazi iconography, promoting Nazi ideology. Pick any of the thousands of orginizations around dedicated to spreading that shit. You know what really distringuishes a Nazi? Trying to blur the lines and water down the definition of what a Nazi is online.