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mainemademess t1_j90w8xa wrote

VIP is such a scam for women. In 2010, I brought my mother’s 2008 Dodge Big Horn (huge, beautiful, top of the line truck with all the bells and whistles at the time) for a routine oil change. I was only 17-18 and they had given me their debit card to pay for it. Guy comes back from changing the oil, said I immediately need new tires. Like cannot leave VIP without them. Now I know that tires for that truck are NOT cheap and my parents would kill me for just approving something like that. “I’m just dropping it off for my mom, don’t do anything with the tires.” Guy immediately gets annoyed with me. “This tire is on rim and you can’t drive it out of here.” Now I know that this new truck has so many sensors on it that there’s absolutely no way I drove it ~10 miles on the rim without the dash screaming at me and lighting up like a Christmas tree. Not to mention, wouldn’t I feel it if I was driving this huge truck on a rim?? I tell him absolutely not, my dad will be here in 10 mins to drive it home so I don’t have to drive an ‘unsafe’ vehicle home. Clearly they could tell my dad was PISSED on the phone because the same VIP employee back tracks REAL quick and tells me that they were mistaken, it was a different truck in a different bay. Trying to swindle a fucking 17 year old into purchasing new tires for a truck that’s worth more than I’d make in the next 10 years. Bastards. And because I’m all about name and shame; VIP in Mexico, go fuck yourself.


FITM-K t1_j96aszh wrote

VIP are equal opportunity scammers, it's not just women. A while back the Belfast one tried to tell my brother he needed a repair of over $1k. He didn't trust them and took it to a reliable place for a second opinion — not only were they totally lying about that repair, they also totally missed a dangerous frame rust issue (which was free to fix, covered by a Toyota recall).

So, they made up a repair he DIDN'T need and missed a dangerous issue he did need fixed.

No one from my family has been there since, but based on the stories I see in this subreddit every time VIP comes up, they haven't changed anything about the way they do business.