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archilchimes t1_j7ubhm9 wrote

I think you've all seen this, but just in case: I'm the complainant mentioned in that article, and I go over my experience and the big issue with the article here.

In brief: when the reporter asked for my side of the story, I sent her documentation & recordings of evident violations, info on statutes, and evidence that the ACO and Maine Animal Welfare had a pattern of ignoring complaints/apparently obstructing for the place. The reporter said the info was too complex for the length of story she was allowed to write and just ignored it entirely, taking the ACO and Animal Welfare completely at their word. Thankfully, from the comments and others' first-hand experiences with the place, it looks like no one is buying the gloss-over.

Seriously, thank you all for that.


Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_j7vkudd wrote

The article says multiple times that the shelters were “adequate” and that they were constructed with “thick plywood” with baffles and hay.

Setting aside for a moment that I think none of that matters, and that hundreds of Mainers can hold up their frozen and blown up water pipes as evidence that plywood and insulation do fuck-all to protect you.

If they think everything was so “adequate” and legal, then why didn’t they give us a temperature reading from inside the dog houses? Seems pretty simple, “hey look, it’s -20 outside, but the dogs are toasty warm at +40 inside!”

Probably because that’s not the case, and it was still -20 inside those dilapidated sorry excuses for shelter.


1bahamasnow t1_j7xsr9z wrote

Maine has a law regarding outside housing : it needs to consist of a four (4) sided structure and roof made of waterproof and wind proof material with an R factor of .9 (example: .9=3/4” thickness of wood). The article states it is plywood. Most common plywood is 1/2 inch. I don’t know how thick the plywood is that he is using, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s not 3/4” thick. Plywood is also not waterproof in it’s natural state. The law also states that the portal of entry of sufficient size to allow the dogs unimpeded passage which shall include baffled or appropriate sheltered entrance. The opening must face south or the direction away from which most wind driven precipitation comes from. It also must have a solid floor at least 3 inches above ground level, with clean and sufficient bedding material to retain the animals normal body heat. At -20 degrees, a dog is vulnerable to hyperthermia and frostbite.

The animal welfare program will, upon written complaint by ANY person alleging violation will cause an investigation to be made. If a violation is found to exist , the animal welfare program or attorney general may seek enforcement remedies including but not limited to revocation or suspension. I made a complaint today and I suggest everyone else to. You can write a formal complaint to In the complaint, it does need your name and phone number. It also needs to include the name of the animals owner’s physical address and a description of possible violations. Let’s all come together and do the right thing - make the complaints. There’s power in numbers. We have the power to make the change, but it needs to be a community effort.

You can also contact Kathleen Bernard. She is on the Maine Animal Welfare Advisory Council. She must own a pet and represent the interests of the public in animal welfare.

Bonnie Martinolich is also on the council. She is an attorney and has to have experience in Animal Welfare Laws.

Sharon St. John represents licensed breeding kennels in Maine. She is another person to file a complaint with.

I don’t know the circumstances of the owner, but he called his dogs ‘his babies’. Would you leave a baby outside in -20 degrees? Disability or mental health issues (hoarding) does not justify this issue. It needs to be addressed.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j7vzsv2 wrote

You just can't half-ass this shit when it comes to journalism. You have to give it your whole ass. Your whole entire ass.

Gotta say, I admire you continuing to fight the good fight. Keep it up!


KenDurf t1_j7zdjk8 wrote

What the hell?! Why should the length of the article they’re permitted for get in the way of the truth? The media infuriates me sometimes, often, almost always. Sorry, that must be really frustrating from your standpoint.