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78FANGIRL t1_j98105n wrote

It was expected for most people to participate in at least one sport when I was growing up. Parents don't put that pressure on their kids as much anymore.


ISeeDeadDaleks t1_j984jvi wrote

I think the pressure is in different areas. Kids are either in travel leagues, which are way more intense, or they're focusing on other things (music lessons, etc). It seems like the trend now is the specialize in something that might get you a scholarship. Which makes sense, given the cost of higher education.


TheMrGUnit t1_j9amh9j wrote

What century did you grow up in?

I've never heard that expectation expressed in my entire life


iglidante t1_j9kfcme wrote

> It was expected for most people to participate in at least one sport when I was growing up. Parents don't put that pressure on their kids as much anymore.

Given that many kids don't like sports, and enjoying sports is hardly universal among adults, I can't see a downside here.